I Symposium of promotion, prevention and recovery in mental health at UNIFAL-MG





Mental health is a state of well-being that provides the individuals the ability to exert their activities and deal with daily stressors. On the other hand, there’s a susceptibility to presenting mental illness, for that it’s necessary prevention programs in mental health, mainly suicide. Therewith, the intention is to report the experiences and knowledge acquired regarding the “Yellow September” campaign. Focusing on understand the scope of the online event and its contribution to raising awareness about mental illnesses, how to approach them and recover the health of the individual affected by them. It obtained an expressive participation compared to a local and presencial event, with an average of 121 participants and the views on the YouTube platform, after six months, reached around 2602 in the four days of the event. It’s conclude that it obtained an outstanding and essential role in the área of knowledge of the theme and the representativeness of the “Yellow September”.



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How to Cite

MARCACINI, L. V.; VIEIRA, L. de S.; SILVA, M. C. da; MARTINS, T.; MARQUES, L. A. M. I Symposium of promotion, prevention and recovery in mental health at UNIFAL-MG. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 21, n. 27, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/revufg.v21.68696. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/revistaufg/article/view/68696. Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


