The legal protection of geographical indications (GIs) is an indispensable element in balancing the local versus global dichotomy. The objective is to analyze the international conception of GIs and their relationship with intangible cultural heritage, exposing challenges and opportunities in the context of Cuban legislation and taking the Havana Club case as a reference. For this, we define as the hypothesis of the study that: GIs in the Cuban reality constitute an example of the need to reinterpret GIs from the role of intangible cultural heritage and the role of the land in the materialization of its protection. The methodology used is of a transdisciplinary approach and for this it relies on logical, historical-social, cultural and legal methods, assuming the combination of methods from the social and legal sciences in particular. As a result, it is concluded that the expansion and inclusion of intangible cultural heritage and its interrelation with GIs is essential in the materialization of the legal protection of GIs in the Cuban context, as it will allow the protection of local cultural values and increase their legal guarantees. The study's contribution lies in a new interpretation of GIs in relation to intangible cultural heritage.
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