History learning and teaching in indigenous and non-indigenous educational contexts
Intercultural historical learning, Decolonialidade and education (indigenous and non-indigenous)Abstract
Our purpose is to present and share the main research questions, still in progress, entitled "Possibilities of an intercultural historical learning from the knowledge transited in indigenous and non-indigenous educational contexts". Gersem Baniwa states that until the adoption of the 1988 Constitution, existed in Brazil an 'education for Indians' that was formulated in the European context and used as a tool in the process of colonization of our continent. In the last years this situation has been discussed from the claim of the recognition of the existence of epistemologies and millenary pedagogies created and practiced by the native peoples. These experiences of resumption of school spaces, transforming them into a place of resistance and not of reproduction of the educational model formulated from the Jesuit pedagogical tradition, has served as an inspiration to me to discuss the teaching of history in non-indigenous schools.
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