Transcoding the I Ching as Composition Techniques in Chou Wen Chung, Zhao Xiaosheng and Chung Yiu Kwong


  • Ke Xue Qinzhou University, China
  • Fung Ying Loo University of Malaya



I Ching, Compositional System, Chou Wen Chung, Zhao Xiao Sheng, Chung Yiu Kwong


This article examined into three Chinese composers’ compositional method based on the ancient Chinese philosophy I Ching. Transcoding the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching in the piano solo works of Chou Wen Chung, Zhao Xiao Sheng and Chung Yiu Kwong display new representative of Chinese New Music. The analysis shows Chou and Chung’s creations that emphasize the use of the 64 hexagrams within a Westernized context, while Zhao brought out a new and individual compositional method based on the Chinese ancient philosophy that shows a complete departure from the West.



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Biografia do Autor

Ke Xue, Qinzhou University, China

Associate Professor

College of Humanities

Qinzhou University


Fung Ying Loo, University of Malaya

Music Department


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Como Citar

XUE, K.; LOO, F. Y. Transcoding the I Ching as Composition Techniques in Chou Wen Chung, Zhao Xiaosheng and Chung Yiu Kwong. Música Hodie, Goiânia, v. 19, 2019. DOI: 10.5216/mh.v19.52739. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.


