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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal. If not, justify in ‘Comments for the Editor’.

    The article is in accordance with the theme of the current open call (this criterion does not apply to reviews);
  • The contribution is original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication by another journal; otherwise, please justify in "Comments to the Editor".

    Articles submitted to the journal will undergo a rigorous plagiarism/similarity analysis. Inter-Ação uses the iThenticate software to assist in the process of analyzing the similarity of the texts that it receives. Inter-Ação reserves the right to reject articles that contain plagiarism/similarity or significant self-plagiarism (use of previous work by the same author published in other media and without proper reference);

  • The file for submission is in Word format ('example.doc') and does not exceed 4MB;

  • All links in the text (e.g. are active and ready to click;

  • The text is formatted in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, and margins of 1.18 inches (3 cm) on all sides;

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors in the About the Journal section. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines may be archived immediately..

    • Title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish;
    • Maximum number of pages;
    • Guidelines for citation in the body of the work;
    • Guidelines for bibliographical references.

    • The Word file does not contain authorship identification.

      To remove the identification, open the file in Word, click the office button > prepare > inspect document. Select only the option "Document properties and personal information" and inspect; if the program finds information, click "remove all").

      This procedure guarantees the journal's confidentiality criteria. The information regarding authorship should only appear in the Electronic System of Revista Inter-Ação in the part referring to the filling of metadata;

    • The metadata (third step of the submission) will necessarily be filled in with:

      • The names of the authors, with a maximum of 04 (four). The inclusion of names afterwards is not allowed;
      • For each author: institution/affiliation and summary of the biography (example: last degree, line of research and topics of interest);
      • Four keywords in the language of the document;

    • My profile in the system (top menu, option "user page", and "edit my profile") is updated with the following data:

      • E-mail;
      • Telephone;
      • Address.

    • Submissions from authors who have published in the journal less than 12 months ago will not be accepted. Reviews of works dated more than 2 years ago will not be accepted. Inter-Ação reserves the right to exclude the submission at any time in these cases.
    • You must inform which edition the submission is for by entering the name of the dossier in the COMMENTS TO THE EDITOR field at the end of this form.

Author Guidelines

The Inter-Ação journal accepts for publication articles, essays and reviews unpublished, written in Portuguese or other languages, resulting from theoretical studies and research that focus on knowledge production on education, including, mainly, the following themes or lines of research: Cultural and educational processes; Education, labor and social movements; State policies and history of education; Training, professionalization, educational practices; and Fundamentals of educational processes.

Once satisfied the condition that authors have not published in the last three numbers of this journal, the evaluation of the work will be carried out by double blind ad hoc reviewer and members of the Scientific Council. In case of divergent opinions will be referred to a third party. Any suggestions for modifications from the publishing will be developed with the consent of the authors. The published texts express solely the opinions of the authors.

All texts must be submitted through the Electronic Publishing System Magazine (SEER, in Portuguese acronym), to the address: The text should be written in Microsoft Word format, and any possible identification of authorship in the document should be removed, since the author identification is made by metadata.

The metadata (the term " metadata " refers to the filling of some fields at the time of submission) should be filled in with the name (s) of the author (s), institutional affiliation, e-mail address, author (s) telephone (s) and article titles and abstract in original language, Spanish and English. It is also necessary, a brief biography description, which will be included at the end of the article.

The text should be typed in Word software, Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5, and margins 1.18 inches. The maximum number of pages must be: 18 for articles; 5 for reviews; and 12 for essays and scientific communications.

Articles should present, at first, an abstract of no more than 10 lines, containing objectives, main methods, conclusions and four keywords in the document language. They must also exhibit the title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English at the end of the text and before the references. For more information about the structure, see ABNT NBR 6022/2003 information and documentation - Article in periodic. To learn about the preparation of abstracts, see the ABNT NBR 6028/2003 information and documentation – abstract.

All references must be submitted according to ABNT NBR 10520/2023 information and documentation -references in documents. There are general rules: direct citations with up to 3 lines are played in double citation marks exactly as stated in the original, inside the text and indicating the source (Author, the work year, page). Direct quotations with more than three lines should appear indented 4 cm from the left margin, font size 10 and single line spacing, dispensing quotes, and indicating the source (Author, the work year, page). Indirect citations are inserted inside the text indicating the source (Author and the work year in question).

OTHER IMPORTANT NOTES: The footnotes must be objective, numbered and placed at the end of the text (before the references), the footnotes should address comments and not mere copyright information; the acronyms and abbreviations should appear stretched when first cited in the text; tables, graphs, maps and illustrations, if they are indispensable to the understanding of the document must be inserted as close as possible to the passage referred, numbered and indicating their respective sources; the tables are placed within the text should follow the IBGE guidelines for tables presentation.

The references should be presented at the end of the article, in alphabetical order. For emphasis or highlight use italics rather than bold. References should be aligned only on the left, single line spacing. See ABNT NBR 6023/2002 information and documentation - references.


Examples (note the bold letters and italics):


SURNAME, abbreviated name. Title: subtitle. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher , date.

Ex.: GOMES, L. G. F. F. Novela e sociedade no Brasil. Niterói: EdUFF, 1998.


SURNAME, abbreviated name; Title: subtitle. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher , date.

Ex.: NUDELMANN, A. A.; COSTA, E. A.; SELIGMAN, J. (Org.). PAIR: perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído. Porto Alegre: Bagaggem Comunicação, 1997.

c)      BOOK with more than THREE AUTHORS:

SURNAME, abbreviated name et al. Title: subtitle. Translator. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, date.

Ex.: VELOSO, H. P. et al. Classificação da vegetação brasileira, adaptada a um sistema universal. Rio de Janeiro : IBGE, 1991. 124 p.


SURNAME, abbreviated name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, abbreviated name of the author / organizer of the book. Book's title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, date. Page.

Ex.: BERTICELLI, I. A. Currículo: tendências e filosofia. In: COSTA, M. V. (Org.). O currículo nos limiares do contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A, 1999. p. 159-176.


SURNAME, abbreviated name. Article title. Journal title, volume number, initial and final pages, date.

Ex: CANEN, A.; OLIVEIRA, A. M. A. de. Multiculturalismo e currículo em ação: um estudo de caso. Revista Brasileira de Educação, Rio de Janeiro, n. 21, p. 61-74, set/out/ nov/dez. 2002.


SURNAME, abbreviated name. Title: subtitle. Dissertation? or thesis ? (Degree and area of concentration) - Name of School, University, location, date.

Ex: RODRIGUES, M. E. de C.. A prática do professor na educação de adolescentes, jovens e adultos: a experiência do Projeto AJA de Goiânia-GO. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Brasileira) – Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO, 2000.


Texts sent to the Inter-Ação journal should be directed to one of the following sections:

DOSSIER SECTION: Section in which are published articles, essays and scientific communications that address the theme of the dossier as call for publication.

ARTICLES SECTION: The Articles section consists of papers of issues consistent with the focus and scope of the journal, and need not contemplate the theme of the dossier.

REVIEW SECTION: This section is intended for the reviews, or the concise presentation of what is presented in relevant works consistent to the focus and scope of the Inter-Ação.

ESSAY SECTION: The essay section is intended for publication of texts that address a specific focus on a thematic. The essays are not extensive or in depth as an article.

SECTION DOCUMENT: This section is intended for the publication of documents whose analysis and selection will be carried out by the Editorial Board of this journal.


For further information: (62) 3209-6319 or

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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used only for the services provided by this publication and will not be disclosed for any other purpose or to any third party.