Political Revolt and Social Contradictions in French Guyana
The Movement of March/April 2017 Through the Newspaper France-Guyane
History, Politics, RebelionAbstract
During one month French Guiana was the scene of the greatest social manifestation in its history. Collectives, politicians, trade unions and ordinary people were involved in the almost total blockade of the community, claiming a decrease in urban violence, jobs and economic development. Over the course of the days, several guidelines were produced, generating even autonomist proclamations. My hypothesis is that this revolt followed a logic similar to the 2010 Arab Spring and the 2013 June Days in Brazil, when a restricted episode, in this case the protest against the violent death of a teenager on the outskirts of Cayenne, generated a social upheaval with countless consequences. The method used was a dense analysis of the daily newspaper France-Guyane, the only one to report the day-to-day movement, and the consequent establishment of the chronology of events. The peculiarity of French Guiana's political status led its authorities, in the most part of the time, to side with the rebels, on the eve of the French presidential elections.
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