Professional and Technical Education in France and Brazil
cross histories
This text aims to compare, in a historical sense, the conceptions and the organization of Professional Education in France and Brazil since the 19th century. To this end, we have adopted the cross history approach in the sense of Werner and Zimmermann (2003). We have carried out bibliographical and documental research looking at the milestones of legislation and policy in this field in both countries. In the bibliographical research we dialogued with the following authors: Bodé (1995), Bodé e Rico Gómes (2014), Brucy (2005), Brucy e Troger (2000), Grignon (1989), Lembré (2016), Léon (1968), Tanguy (2000, 2013), Troger e Pelpel (1993), for the discussion about France; and the authors Fonseca (1961), Ciavatta (2009), Cunha (2005a; 2005b; 2005c), Manfredi (2002) and Santos (2011) to think about Professional Education in Brazil. By comparison, we concluded that in both countries, an educational duality is revealed in the documentary evidence brought to light by us. On the one hand, the defenders of the unilaterality of technical formation directed toward the exclusive attention to the needs of the labor market. On the other, the idea of “integral formation”, capable of preparing an autonomous subject for the world of work, aware of his rights and his duties, builder of full citizenship.
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