Teacher education programs for city and country physical education teachers


  • Celi Zulke Taffarel
  • Solange Lacks
  • Claudio de Lira Santos Junior
  • Marise Carvalho
  • Adriana D'Agostini
  • Mauro Tihon
  • Nair Casagrande




This text argues that an education program for physical education teachers should be built on five sources of information: 1. The demands presented by public school, social movements and other entities related to sports and leisure activities in the city and in the country; 2. An assessment of the facilities available for the offering of physical education courses; 3. A critical evaluation of the literature produced on the theme; 4. The discussion of available projects in the definition of guidelines for teacher education programs for physical education teachers and in the creation of the CREFE/CONFEF System and in the approval of professional regulations; 5. Proposals for the restructuring of the teacher education program syllabus for physical education teachers as proposed by the LEPEL/FACED/UFBA Group. KEYWORDS: teacher education – course syllabus –pedagogical work


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How to Cite

ZULKE TAFFAREL, C.; LACKS, S.; DE LIRA SANTOS JUNIOR, C.; CARVALHO, M.; D’AGOSTINI, A.; TIHON, M.; CASAGRANDE, N. Teacher education programs for city and country physical education teachers. Pensar a Prática, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 2, p. 153–180, 2006. DOI: 10.5216/rpp.v9i2.166. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/fef/article/view/166. Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.



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