About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Pensar a Prática, based on the perspective of plural and interdisciplinary debate in the production of scientific knowledge, publishes articles pertinent to the academic field of Physical Education in interface with the Human and Social Sciences, in their pedagogical, historical, socio-cultural and philosophical aspects. It is edited under the responsibility of the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance of the Federal University of Goiás and published in a continuous stream. Submissions can be made at any time, in a continuous demand system.

Peer Review Process

The studies forwarded to  Pensar a Prática will be evaluated in two steps:


1st stage
After the normalization evaluation (guidelines) has been completed, the text/manuscript is submitted to the editors who will carry out a first evaluation of merit, considering the scope and editorial policy of Pensar a Practical. If there is no adequacy to the scope and/or editorial policy, the article is rejected through an editorial opinion.


2nd stage
If it is adequate, the article is submitted to the ad hoc reviewer/s, who will appreciate it, observing the double-blind system. The options for opinions are: "Approved for publication", "Rejected for publication", "Mandatory corrections".
The manuscript approved in the second stage of merit evaluation is submitted to the iThenticate software. With the help of the software, it is possible to identify the levels of similarity with previously published documents. If there is suspicion of scientific misconduct, the editorial process is interrupted, so that the manuscript can be properly analyzed and measures can be taken.
After submission to the iThenticate software, the article undergoes a linguistic and ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) review. At this stage, only occasional corrections are made to the text by the authors. Major modifications, inclusions or deletions that alter the content and meaning of the manuscript will not be accepted.


Number of articles under evaluation: Pensar a Prática will assess simultaneously up to two articles by the same author/co-author. If this limit is extrapolated, the new submission will be filed without merit review.  

Publication Frequency

The journal Pensar a Prática is published in electronic format with continuous flow of publications

Average review time:

The average time of the merit review is from 4 to 5 months and the average time for publication is 7 months.

Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public enables one of the basic conditions for the democratization of knowledge worldwide.

Submission and publication costs

The evaluation and publication of papers are free of charge, without financial costs to the authors. It should be noted that the work in the Journal (reception, evaluation, editing, and publication) is carried out by technical-administrative staff and professors from the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance and from the Journal Portal, at the Federal University of Goiás.

History of the Journal

Pensar a Prática advances as a vehicle for the dissemination of scientific knowledge in Physical Education, since its launch in 1998 until today, characterizing it as one of the leading scientific journals in the field of Physical Education with wide reach along with the academic community in the country, as well as progressive acceptance abroad, as demonstrated by its data.

In Pensar a Prática, an important overview of the academic-scientific plurality of Physical Education can be found, coming from different research institutions, giving national and international coverage and promoting a transdisciplinary dialogue.

Thus, the constant debate on pluralism and universality in the production of knowledge in Physical Education is present in its editorial project, focusing on central issues of the academic field according to the contributions of various hues and approaches in interfaces with human sciences and biodynamics.

Pensar a Prática was launched in June 1998 with biannual frequency; however, in view of the administrative difficulties, especially financial, the School of Physical Education/UFG was forced to retreat from its original project, adopting annual periodicity in v. 2 no. 1, issued in September 1999,. The same occurred with v. 3 no. 1, in October 2000, v. 4 no. 1, in October 2001, v. 5 no. 1, in December 2002, v. 6 no. 1, in September 2003. After the issue number 7, Pensar a Prática retrieves the original project and is published biannually with v. 7 no. 1 in March and v. 7 no. 2 in September 2004, v. 8 no. 1 in March and v. 8 no. 2 in September 2005, v. 9 no. 1 in April and v. 9 no. 2 in September 2006, v. 10 no. 1 in March and v. 10 no. 2 in September 2007. As from 2008, the journal was getting published three times a year, and in 2012 the frequency becomes quarterly, which is maintained until today; during this period, specifically in 2009, the journal begins to be published only in electronic format.

Focusing on issues related to Physical Education, Sport and Leisure, Pensar a Prática is associated with the knowledge field Physical Education/Sports Science. Previously under the responsibility of the Coordination of Graduate Studies at the School of Physical Education/UFG, it is today a project unit. It originally included only the Specialization Course in Physical Education at School and Undergraduation, being a platform to discuss the local pedagogical practice. However, Pensar a Prática, as from 2002, extends its coverage to inaugurate two new courses: Specialization in Physical Activity and Health and Specialization in Leisure and Education.

After addressing in its first four volumes the theme “Physical Education at School,” the fifth volume of the journal dealt with “Physical Education and Childhood.” V. 6 gathered studies on “Dance and Education”; v. 7 no. 1 addressed “Physical Activity and Health” and no. 2 tackled “Teaching Methodology of Physical Education.” V. 8 no. 1 was about “The Olympic Games and the Sports Phenomenon” and no. 2 addressed “Physical Education, body and culture"; v. 9 no. 1 tackled the theme of “Leisure and Education” and no. 2 was about “Teacher Training in Physical Education”; v. 10 no. 1 tackled “Football” and no. 2 the “Physical Education and Technology,” v. 11 no. 1 addressed the theme “Sports Pedagogy” and no. 2, “Adapted Physical Education.”

From v.11, no. 3, Pensar a Prática, in line with the current editorial policy, is no longer thematic and receives continuous demand for manuscripts. The internal organization of the journal is also renewed, and it has now four sections: Original Articles, Review Articles, Essays or Reviews.

 In 2009, the Journal began to be published only in electronic format. Finally, more recently, in 2019, changed its scope, remaining linked to the academic-scientific field of Physical Education, but being exclusively articulated with the Human and Social Sciences. In addition, adopts continuous flow of publications.