The Culture of Performance on Algorithmic Platforms




Neoliberalism, Performance, Algorithmic governance, Platforms, Algorithms


This article of theoretical articulation, supported by bibliographic research, draws a parallel between algorithmic governance and the culture of performance that characterizes neoliberal subjectivity. It proposes to show that platforms controlled by large corporations, such as Facebook, are privileged media environments for the manifestation of this culture, due to their technology, business model and insertion in the social context of our time. In addition, the modalities of behavior elicited on these platforms, allied to those operating in society in general, impress upon this culture a commanding nature, notwithstanding the relative autonomy of platform users. Eight different imperatives of performance are pointed out: connectivity, visibility, agency, plasticity, accomplishment, enjoyment, measurability and normativity. These imperatives all combine and overlap in various ways, since they are not understood as discrete phenomena but as facets of a single phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Julio Cesar Lemes de Castro, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil,

Laboratório de Teoria Social, Filosofia e Psicanálise (Universidade de São Paulo), São Paulo, Brasil.


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How to Cite

LEMES DE CASTRO, J. C. The Culture of Performance on Algorithmic Platforms. Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, Goiás, v. 25, p. 693–718, 2022. DOI: 10.5216/ci.v25.68718. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.