The holistic Knowledge Management
adherence analysis of Costa (2005) model
Gestão do Conhecimento, Paradigma Holístico, Análise de ConteúdoAbstract
Punctuated the holistic paradigm as a scientific standard needed to address the problems of contemporary and imperative science for the development of Knowledge Management models. Thus, this research adjusts these two fields and presents the Holistic Knowledge Management, in order to analyze the adherence of Costa (2005) model to this management form, in order to identify if this structure fills the gap of a model anchored in the precepts of this paradigm. To achieve the proposed objective, the qualitative-quantitative approach is used, making use of Content Analysis and percentage quantification, respectively. As a result, the Costa (2005) model adheres to 61.5 percentile points to the Holistic Knowledge Management, which allows to infer that the gap of a holistic model for Knowledge Management has not yet been overcome, considering the specific analysis of this model.
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