O Dream Team do Passinho
relações de visibilidade e celebrização
With the ease of content spreading through digital social networks, many popular productions are launched daily through specific pages and channels. These, when awakening the eyes of the media and market instances, are appropriate and, at the same time, given to other intentions or senses. Thus, this article aims to identify if there is a significant interference of the marketing and media intentions in the channels maintained on YouTube by Dream Team of Passinho? In order to do so, we used the non-participant covert observation, that is, the researcher does not have any proximity action, along with the mapping of two channels maintained by Dream Team of Passinho on YouTube. From this structure, we arrived at expressive numbers that differentiate one channel from the other, pointing to a significant interference in the intensity of the visibility acquired by the group at the moment in which marketing and mediatic intentions are interspersed. These are responsible for expanding the dynamics of establishing social and media relations, attributing to the group previously non-existent senses such as, for example, celebrity.
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