The citizenship at Raquel Paiva’s perspective: defenses around communities, community communication and urban mobility
Citizenship. Communities.Community Communication. Urban Mobility.Abstract
The amplitude in the definition about the concept of citizenship allows the delimitation of the theme by clipping issues which make privilege of the perspectives associated as in the exercise of both rights and duties in the approaches made by several authors. In this article, the goal is expatiate, theoretically, about the concepts related to the citizenship as defined at Raquel Paiva’s literature, promoting a dialogue between theoreticians who corroborate and refute her ideas. Over the text, the citizenship will be the thesis of Raquel Paiva’s argumentation to defend that discrepancies exist in the guarantee of rights between elites and minorities. Thus, in the foundation of this article will be presented concepts like: the foundation and the specificities between community and society, minorities and social movements. The media and its association with the citizenship are also presented in this article, based on Raquel Paiva’s literature, specially to explain and defend the community communication as a way to grant voice to those who are socially and politically excluded. In the most recent research of Raquel Paiva, defenses around mobility are founded, which will be considered as a new way to apprehend the urban spaces in the cities, where the citizenship occur.Downloads
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