The editorial positions of the leading newspapers of Argentina in relation to the human rights violations perpetrated by the military government that held power between 1976 and 1983


  • María Paula Gago Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)



Human Rights. Clarin. Argentina. Political Journalism. Police Journalism.


This work is part of a larger research funded by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (the trial of the Pardon: Human Rights and memory of the dictatorship in the national press (1983-1990), Project UBACYT 2011 -2014, directed by Jorge Saborido) on the editorial positions of the leading newspapers of Argentina in relation to the human rights violations perpetrated by the military government that held power between 1976 and 1983 and their analysis is very limited: analyzing argumentative cores developed by the national major newspaper Clarin in Argentina from March to December 1976, the first of the two bloodiest years of the civil-military dictatorship that took place in Argentina (1976-1983), both in the editorial space as those for police and political information in relation to surveillance and repressive methods of social control and practiced all over the period.


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Author Biography

María Paula Gago, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), UBA.



How to Cite

GAGO, M. P. The editorial positions of the leading newspapers of Argentina in relation to the human rights violations perpetrated by the military government that held power between 1976 and 1983. Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, Goiás, v. 15, n. 1, p. 21–31, 2013. DOI: 10.5216/c&i.v15i1.22493. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


