COLLECTING, CONSERVING AND USING BIODIVERSITY OF CAPSICUM PEPPERS IN GOIÁS: Brazil- adding knowledge and value from the biome to the agribusiness.


  • Silvia Satiko Onoyama EMBRAPA
  • Uander Gonçalves dos Anjos UFG
  • Francisco José Becker Reifschneider EMBRAPA
  • Werito Fernandes de Melo EMBRAPA
  • Luís Sergio R. Vale IFG
  • Rafael Garcia Ribeiro UFG
  • Edvan J. da Silva Oliveira UFG



This study describes innovative actions in the collection and conservation of Capsicum germplasm from the North of Goiás, Brazil, and explores the relationship between germplasm obtained from that region and the utilization of various types of chilli or hot peppers by the private processors in the state. In addition, this work attempts to identify the profile of potential pepper consumers from the perspective of a study on migration conducted with migrants in the city of Goiania, as migrants tend to retain the habits and customs of their homeland, such as dietary habits.


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How to Cite

ONOYAMA, S. S.; DOS ANJOS, U. G.; REIFSCHNEIDER, F. J. B.; DE MELO, W. F.; VALE, L. S. R.; RIBEIRO, R. G.; OLIVEIRA, E. J. da S. COLLECTING, CONSERVING AND USING BIODIVERSITY OF CAPSICUM PEPPERS IN GOIÁS: Brazil- adding knowledge and value from the biome to the agribusiness. Ateliê Geográfico Journal, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 2, p. 106–122, 2011. DOI: 10.5216/ag.v5i2.15479. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


