New records of larvae and adults of the invasive golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei Dunker, 1857) in the Ivaí River (Paraná, Brazil)
Palabras clave:
biological invasion, invasive exotic species, species rangeResumen
Golden mussel is a freshwater bivalve native from South Asia, but introduced in South America. It is very aggressive, causing ecological and economic problems in invaded environments. Here, we presented new records of larvae and adults of golden mussel in the Ivaí River (Paraná, Brazil). We believe this finding is important mainly because (i) the Ivaí River basin is the second largest basin in the state of Paraná, (ii) Ivaí River is of great relevance to maintain regional freshwater biodiversity, and (iii) Ivaí River is one of the few tributaries free of dams of the Upper Paraná River. Consequently, due to its high conservation importance, records of the invasive golden mussel in Ivaí are worrisome. We recommend future studies about golden mussel distribution in Ivaí River to monitor and, if possible, minimize their spread.
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