Amplificação cruzada e padronização de marcadores microssatélites em Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui)
Genetic markers, fish, transferabilityAbstract
Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui) is a widely grown species in fish farms troughout Brazil, and is already showing genetic variability loss in some stocks. This study aimed at testing the crossamplification in this species based on 52 microsatellite loci originally developed for other fish species. Tambaqui individuals were collected in fish farms in Goiânia, Brazil, and the DNA for amplification was extracted from muscle tissue. The cross-amplification tests were performed changing the temperature of each locus, searching for amplification standardization. Among the 52 tested loci, 16 showed satisfactory cross-amplification results, which allowed the definition of genotypes. These results indicate the existence of a great potential for microsatellite markers transferability among different fish species. These markers can be used in population-genetic studies of this species in conservation programs, management, and improvement of this natural resource.Downloads
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