Effect of natural cover loss on floral endemism from Tropical Important Plant Area (TIPA) Concepción (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Chiquitania, conservation, deforestation, new species, IUCNAbstract
In this study, the richness of endemic taxa that inhabits in the Tropical Important Vegetal Area (TIPA) Concepción was inventoried, and the effect of the historical loss of natural cover on these floristic attributes. The inventory was carried out using secondary data sources (databases and herbarium specimens) and primary data (field inventories). The loss of vegetation cover was determined by multi-temporal analysis of satellite images from three time periods (1990-2000, 2001-2010, 2011-2020). Based on historical records and field inventories, a total of 28 endemic taxa were inventoried (two are new species to science). The endemism that inhabits each of the types of coverage that make up the landscape of the study area was different when compared to each other (<30% similarity). Until 2020, the natural cover was progressively reduced to 72.6%, with an annual loss rate of 0.88% ± 0.27%. As a consequence of the loss of vegetation cover, eight of the 28 endemic taxa have disappeared in the TIPA Concepción, since these habitats were replaced by areas of agricultural and livestock production. Therefore, the remaining taxa face a high risk of local extinction.
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