Taxonomic and functional response of the bird assembly to megafires in the southern region of Chiquitania (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Fire, impact, Ñembi GuasuAbstract
Given the occurrence of megafires during 2019 in the region of ACIE Ñembi Guasu, we evaluated the response of the ornithofauna to show the severity of the impact. Values of richness, specific diversity (Hill numbers), abundance (Kruskal-Wallis tests), taxonomic turnover (correspondence analysis) and functional diversity (Hill numbers) were quantified, which were contrasted between burned and non-burned areas of wooded cover, during the wet and dry season of 2020. The burned areas gathered high richness in the wet season (27 spp), which was reduced in the dry season (15 spp); the control areas presented a constant richness during both seasons (25 and 24 spp). The diversity and abundance did not vary significantly. Taxonomic similarity between areas was low (35,6% wet; 14,3% dry). In the wet season, functional diversity increased in burned areas, drastically decreasing in the dry season. It was concluded that the megafires had a highly negative impact on the ornithological assemblage, mainly in the attributes of specific richness, functional richness and taxonomic composition, as well as that the arrival of the dry season greatly disadvantaged the resilience of the burned ecosystem.
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