Capparaceae of Brazilian chaco
Capparis, floristic, Mato Grosso do Sul State, taxonomyAbstract
The present work refers to the flora studies of Capparaceae in Brazilian Chaco, which has beenthreatened by the expansion of cattle ranching in Mato Grosso do Sul State. The genera and species of this family have recently undergone several taxonomic changes; however, this information is still notdisseminated, justifying floristic studies for this family. The study was based on field trips collectionsand the study of specimens of the most representative herbarium of this State and in the database of SpeciesLink project. Concerning the Brazilian Chaco, four genera were confirmed: Anisocapparis, Capparicordis, Crateva and Cynophalla. We provide key for species identification, descriptions with illustrations, comments about geographical distribution, habitat, flowering, fruiting, and vernacularnames.
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