Survey of the disposal of municipal solid waste in thirty-two counties of the State of Goiás
manure, judicial indictment, pollution, garbageAbstract
Thirty-two reports were analyzed and prepared by experts from the Institute of Criminology Leonardo Rodrigues, located in Goiânia, in the period 2005-2008, coming from crafts forwarded by the State Bureau of Investigation On Offences Against the Environment (DEMA), resulting from storage places of deposit of urban solid waste in municipalities in the state of Goiás. The following aspects wereverified: if there is manure treatment; the distance from water sources and urban area; the occurrenceof judicial indictment. All locations analyzed showed irregularities such as lack of structures compatiblewith landfills, according to ABNT. The respective municipalities responsible for trash disposal were typi-fied in the Environmental Crimes Law (Law 9,605 / 98).
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