Endocyclic echinoids (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from the upper Cretaceou of Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, Northeast of Brazil
Endocyclic echinoids, Jandaíra formation, Systematic review, upper cretaceousAbstract
We performed the systematic review of Jandaíra Formation’s Phymosomatoida and Arbacioida order echinoids, Potiguar Basin, which were gathered at three fossiliferous localities: From the Phymosomatoida order we revised Rosadosoma riograndensis (Maury, 1925) and Phymosoma major Coquand, 1862, species and from the Arbacioida order we revised the Goniopygus sp specie. The species Cyphosoma majus (Coquand, 1862) and Phymosoma tinocoi (Santos, 1960) were considered as being synonymous with Phymosoma major. Goniopygus sp. was transferred to Goniopygus durandi Peron & Gauthier, 1881. From the biometric data of Rosadosoma riograndensis and Phymosoma major specimens it was found that the shell’s diameter significantly influences the shell’s height, as well as the peristome’s diameter. Furthermore, different ontogeneticstages were observed in the specimens analyzed. The endocyclic echinoids in Jandaíra Formation had their registration from the Turonian to Santonian stage.
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