Diversity of plants in quilombola homegardens, local knowledge on the use and cultivation of peppers in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil
Local knowledge, peppers management, peppers Amapá, homegardensAbstract
Homegardens are areas around the house used to form consortiums, matching hardwood tree species with agricultural crops and/or animals. Its main function is to produce food for family consumption. The aim of this study was to assess the diversity and knowledge about the use and management of forest plants in the homegardens, especially about the peppers in the state of Amapá (Brazil). The survey was conducted through semi?structured interviews with 16 experts in their respective homegardens, using the guided?tour in four localities of the Environmental Protection Area of Rio Curiaú. The material was processed through the usual method in taxonomy and diversity of homegardensverified by the Shannon-Wiener Index. We recorded 5141 individuals in 64 families, 130 genera and 155 species. Among 21 popular names of peppers, we found nine taxa belonging to Solanaceae and Piperaceae families. Curiaú de Fora and Curiaú de Dentro showed higher richness and Curiaú de Fora showed the greatest diversity of species. The experts showed the knowledge about the plants and how to use the managed species in areas such as medicinal, food, commercial, ritualistic, among others, in particular Capsicum frutescens L. The homegardens stand as a viable strategy for the conservation and maintenance of local diversity.
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