About the Journal

The scientific journal of the Institute of Biological Sciences (Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, ICB) of the Federal University of Goiás (Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG) publishes unprecedented and/or original scientific papers mainly of the Neotropical fauna, flora and environment.

The administration and operation of the Journal of Neotropical Biology are ruled by a Regulation. Click here to access the regulation file (in portuguese).

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Neotropical Biology mission is to publish unprecedented and original scientific papers that has been published in Preprints on Botany, Ecology, Genetics, Zoology (and related areas) concerned to the fauna, flora and environment. Original papers written in english, spanish or portuguese with relevant contributions the knowledge to the Biological Sciences may be accepted for publication, if not submitted or published elsewhere.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in Journal of Neotropical Biology must be prepared in accordance with the Author's Guidelines available on this website.

Peer Review Process

The acceptance of an manuscript for publication will be released only after the analysis of the recommendations of two reviewers and the Editorial team. Changes to the manuscript sent after registration may be refused. Copies of the manuscript with the reviewers' opinions will be sent to the corresponding author for the authors' analysis and corrections. The submitted scientific content is the exclusive responsibility of the author(s).

Publication Frequency

- The Journal of Neotropical Biology published online (continuous publication) and printed in semiannual periodicity of one volume of two issues per year.

- In order to serve continuous publications in different Sections of the Journal of Neotropical Biology, publications can be made in the Online First format without the pagination, which will be applied at the end of the publication of the number in each volume.

- In each volume, a thematic special number will be published, which will be open from the beginning of each year, in which the publications will be made in a continuous flow and with the possibility of adopting the Online First format, without pagination in different Sections. Special thematic issues must be conducted by one or more Guest Editors, with experience and scientific reputation in the subject.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers open and immediate access to its content, following the principle of free access to scientific knowledge by the public and providing the worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Publication ethics

The Editorial Team and Evaluators of the Journal of Neotropical Biology must express themselves to the Chief Editor when happen a interests conflict to proceed the evaluation process, being then replaced by another Editor / Evalutator.
The Editorial Team prevents plagiarism by using electronic detection systems during the evaluation of the manuscripts. However, the article may be excluded from the system at any time if evidence of plagiarism, malpractice and/or fraud is detected after publication.
If  the author fail to heed the ethical principles of this journal by manufacturing data, violating rights or commiting inaccuracies, the manuscripts / articles will be excluded from the system.

Open Science Policy

The Journal of Neotropical Biology (RBN) has commitments to the practices of Open Science and for that:

- Recommends to the authors declare in the "Comments to Editor" if the work was previously published in the Preprint format, informing the Journal and DOI.

- Recommends to the authors deposit/save the original data in the Data Repository, highlighting the information about the Registration in the "Comments to Editor" and in the Material and Methods.

    • Suggested Repositories:
      • Dataverse (Harvard University) - https://dataverse.org
      • GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility - https://www.gbif.org
      • Repositório de Dados de Estudos Ecológicos/PPBio/INPA - https://ppbiodata.inpa.gov.br/metacatui
      • Gene Bank - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/
      • International Barcode of Life - https://ibol.org

- RBN will provide transparency of the Evaluation process by announcing in the publications the Name of the Editor Responsible for the process, the Dates of Reception, Acceptance and Publication.

- RBN will credit the Evaluators by disclosing the names at the end of each Volume and also in Publons (https://publons.com/about/home/).

Archiving policy

The Journal of Neotropical Biology (RBN) adopts the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe - Many copies keep things safe) to ensure the safe and permanent archiving of the cache, it is supported by the OJS.

Copyright notices

Authors retain copyright and give the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).
The authors retain special permissions to:
1. use the article and contents for the educational and research purpose.
2. link their article to the web site of the RBN, allowing the divulgation on institutional closed web (intranet) and open access repositories.
3. use the contents of their article for other publications, if they cite the original work published by RBN.
4. make printed copies in small quantities for personal use.


Federal University of Goiás (Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG)

Journal History

The creation of a scientific journal was among the proposals of the work plan of the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB), of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), between 2002 and 2006, which became reality on June 24, 2005 with the launch of the first volume of 2004. This proposal had arise from the need to disseminate the results of the research carried out in this unit, considering the lack of means for it. In that moment the moreover permanent staff of the ICB were composed by Masters and Doctors Science's with significant scientific production. Currently, ICB offers undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences, Biomedicine and Ecology and the Basic Content for courses in the health areas. It also offers master's and doctoral programs in Plant Biology, Animal Biology and master's and doctoral programs in Biological Sciences, Physiological Sciences, Ecology and Evolution and in Genetics and Molecular Biology.

The lack of scientific journals with international circulation published in Latin America and especially in the Midwest region of Brazil was one of the perceptions that led to the decision to create this means of dissemination. Scientific communication between Latin America had limitations, because it frequently did not exceed national limits; mainly between Brazil and the other countries. In addition, in neotropical countries should be prioritized the implementation and dissemination of field research's, such as the listing of species and threatened areas, the publication of new species, conservation programs and the analysis of economic and medicinal potential. It is because they are still the repositories of the world's megadiversity centers and, as in other countries, their natural areas are threatened by technological, urban and agricultural development. In fact, the great danger of anthropic expansion is that the natural heritage may be destroyed before being studied.

It was and still is necessary to increase efforts to change this situation. For this reason is important to promote better ways to circulating ideas, studies and scientific information among researchers in Latin America. And in this way, contribute to the consolidation of scientific institutions and active participation in initiatives for political integration and economic development in the region.

The Journal of Neotropical Biology (RBN) is focuses on the various sectors of biological research developed in the tropical region of America and aims to contribute to the success of those on the path of research. The main objective is to constitute itself in a multidisciplinary forum for studies to the diverse fields of the Biology.

Since 2004, this international newspaper brings to the public every six months important results of scientific work carried out in the areas of Biological Sciences and other related areas. Original works in English, Spanish and Portuguese that represent significant contributions to the knowledge of the biological sciences are evaluated and can be accepted for publication.

The importance of this work is the motivation to promote the search for excellence in the Journal's procedures. And aware that knowledge is productive only if transform the society, we hope that this publication assist to promote the growth, innovation and creation of the new opportunities for the knowledge expansion in Neotropical countries and in the world.

We are grateful to those which helped us achieve the goals propose since 2002, and to the Professor PhD. Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, Chief Editor of the journal between the years 2004 and 2017, and to the Professsor PhD. Edson Ferreira Duarte, Editor-in-Chief between 2018 and 2023. We would also thanks to the Federal University of Goias (UFG), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the research grant granted to PhD Piero Giuseppe Delprete, who contributed to the formation of the Journal. We thanks the authors who sent their manuscripts and to the reviewers who contributed to an impartial evaluation and the quality of the publications made by the Journal of Neotropical Biology.