YOU CAN BE A STAR! Persistence does not mean greed for prominence, but the belief that it is possible more.

Persistência não significa ganância por destaque, mas a crença de que é possível mais.


  • Antônio Rocha EMEF Fernando de Azevedo (SEMECE), Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brasil.



Challenge. Happiness. Perspective. Power. Dream


The article aims to show the importance of the individual's struggle for constant improvements in living conditions, the dream of the search for knowledge, but at the same time worries about clarifying that one cannot confuse dream, persistence and perspective, with individualized ambition without an adequate ideological foundation. Based on bibliographic references, the arguments permeate theories that show, in human viability, the importance of persistence and also the importance of creative potential. We all have the right to doubt, give an opinion, build a paradigm, be critical of the injustice committed against humanity, but at the same time, we must be aware of the risks of persecution and cruelty that can be suffered by possessing this critical stance. The references will show characters who have lived these ills of life, making it clear that the challenges faced by these characters are compatible with the size of their action, or, of the absence of it, especially at the time of transition from individual to collective life, from personal adjustment to social control of recent times. In fact, what is always at stake is the search for happiness, sometimes confused with social status, with power, with authority and with control. Finally, the purpose of reflection is to affirm that it is necessary to dream and fight for the dream perspective, because, dream that is not dreamed, does not exist. The contrast between dream, challenge and perspective is the focus of reflection in this article. The era of information and ideological control has caused frustrations in the individual who, even being a thinking being, acts as if he does not know how to think. The comodism, or insecurity on the one hand, the stimuli and perspectives, driven, on the other, lead the individual to tiredness, uncertainty, to enter inertia.


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Author Biography

Antônio Rocha, EMEF Fernando de Azevedo (SEMECE), Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brasil.

Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación - UNADES - Paraguay. Especialización en Ciencias de la Educación - FAP - ES. Especialización en Filosofía de la Educación - FAP - ES. Especialización en Didáctica y Metodología de la Educación Superior - UNIOURO - RO. Licenciada en Pedagogía - UNIR - RO.


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How to Cite

ROCHA, A. YOU CAN BE A STAR! Persistence does not mean greed for prominence, but the belief that it is possible more.: Persistência não significa ganância por destaque, mas a crença de que é possível mais. Revista Terceiro Incluído, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 1, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/teri.v11i1.67428. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.

