About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista Terceiro Incluído (ISSN: 2237-079X) is an open-access scientific journal that continuously receives and publishes articles. The journal welcomes original and unpublished texts in the following categories: Scientific articles (research results, theoretical or applied), Research reports, Notes, Translations, Thesis summaries, and Reviews.

Its focus is directed towards the dissemination of interdisciplinary works in the fields of Geography, History, Sociology, Agrarian Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Teaching, Education, and Public Health.

The journal aims to stimulate exchanges between various areas of science and society to address broad problems and provide a better quality of life.

Peer Review Process

The "Revista Terceiro Incluído" employs a double-blind peer review process. Submissions can be approved, requested for revision, or rejected. The evaluation results are sent to the author via email, including the reviewer's comments. In case of a revision request, the revised text is resubmitted to the same reviewer. If the independent reviews conflict, the text is sent to a third reviewer, who may recommend publication, request another revision, or not recommend publication.

The content of the works is the sole responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily imply agreement from the Publications Committee and/or Editorial Board. The Crossref Ithenticate system is used for plagiarism verification.


Copyright Statement

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with acknowledgment of the authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Authors will not be remunerated for the publication of works in the journal. Additionally, the published content is the sole and exclusive responsibility of its authors, although the editors reserve the right to make textual adjustments and to ensure compliance with the publication’s standards.

Authors are permitted and encouraged to disseminate their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal websites), as this can lead to productive exchanges and increase the impact and citation of the published work.



The "Revista Terceiro Incluído" receives and publishes articles on a continuous basis.

Open Access Policy

The "Revista Terceiro Incluído" offers open access to its content, understanding that providing free access to scientific knowledge is a factor in democratization, thus contributing to the pursuit of social equity and the resolution of environmental problems.