The Trap of Being
history, life and an ontological response to the national being philosophy
being, life, O’GormanAbstract
This article reintroduces the philosophy of the national being, a very popular subject in the first half of the 20th century, through the Mexican debate around it, but seeks to offer a specific view on the question: the view brought by a generation of authors who addressed the issue of being in dialogue with existential philosophy and not exactly, as was common at the time, according to a direct association between being and essentialist or identitarian aspects. In dialogue with José Gaos, Heidegger's translator into Spanish, and above all with the historian Edmundo O'Gorman, it was possible to observe that, in the face of a tradition of thought, especially in the Mexican case, which used the notions of being and history to seek certain essential substrate that persists in time perennially and constantly, the authors we scrutinize proposes an important rupture: the rapprochement between history and life, or history and existence, as a way of freeing the historical thought of the straitjacket that associated it with genealogical reconstruction of identities that persists over time.
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