Theory of History, Indigenous People, Amazonia, Modernity, AlterityAbstract
Starting from the relationship between disciplinary history, historiographical practice and the enunciation of a type of otherness conceived as ahistorical, the text intends to serve as an introduction to the problem of indigenous difference through the gaps between the conceptual language of modern historical discourse and the existential and cosmological universe of these “others”. To this end, I seek to demonstrate how the alterity evoked by indigenous Amazonian societies institutes the demand (and the opportunity) for historical thinking to open up itself to the destabilization of its own conceptual repertoire. This movement will be accomplished through the comparison between a certain branch of the modern historical-philosophical tradition and recent contributions of indigenous intellectuals and anthropological studies. It is concluded that if the question of indigenous difference can hardly be sufficiently answered within the historical perspective as we conceive it (that is, immanent to modern historiography), then there is a need for an openness of historical thought towards a productive mis understanding between the disciplinary identity and this tensioning alterity.References
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