V. 20, N. 2 (2018)


  • Revista de Teoria da História FH-PPGH (UFG)


Número completo


Since Hans Robert Jauss, in his conference What is it and for what purpose is one studying the history of literature? (1967), launched the challenge of thinking about the contribution of literature to the construction of perceptions of the social world, numerous efforts have been made by researchers committed to overcoming "the gulf between literature and history, between aesthetic and historical knowledge". The academic debates and reflections around the relations between History and Languages, especially from a theoretical axis in incessant dialogue with the Theory of History, have expanded significantly in recent decades, reorienting the views of recent historiographic production to the articulations between aesthetic-cultural expressions and temporal experience. Many of the questions raised concern, on the one hand, the marks of the historicity inherent in languages, the example of fiction, self-fiction or (self)biography, and, on the other, the contributions of literary languages to think about the constitutive elements of historiographical making: their writings, their places, their practices. These and other inquiries guide the central lines of this dossier. It brings together researchers and researchers from various areas of the humanities, especially History and Literary Criticism, interested in dialoguing with the thought framework proposed below; with the aim of expanding the theoretical domains within the instability that has formed in the interdisciplinary dimension of studies.



How to Cite

TEORIA DA HISTÓRIA, R. de. V. 20, N. 2 (2018). Revista de Teoria da História, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 2, p. 286P, 2018. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/teoria/article/view/56521. Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.