Tragic, Tragedy, Modernity, Friedrich Schiller, History of AestheticsAbstract
Although intrinsically associated to the history of tragedy, the tragic emerged in the modern as an autonomous concept and inaugurated a new vision of man. If, on one hand, persists the idea of ??moral strengthening stimulated by suffering, on the other hand, the scission that tragedy intends to reconcile, at least momentarily, is accepted as definitive, opening a big scar in the Western culture. If we cannot assure the uprising of a philoso -?? phy of tragic already in Schiller’s work, certainly we would not have problems ensuring the tragicity expressed in his plays, as well as in his philosophical writings. So that, my aim is to think how tragicity has expressed itself through Schiller’s conception of art and his own historical circumstance as a tragic episode. To do so, we must return the tragic to its concrete level of achievement, the action, because it is in the action field, either in the tragedies, or even in life, that Tragic gains contours, indeed, dramatic.
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