masked, ox's mask, Pentecos, PirenópolisAbstract
The empirical field from this investigation encircles the Iberian peninsula, Azores archipelago and Brazil, looking for tracing the pathof the mask, since its origin in Portugal, until the city of Pirenópolis, state of Goiás. The study about masks in Portugal was emphasized in Trás -?? os -?? Montes, capital from Braganca's district, in northeast Portugal. In Brazil, it was focused mostly in Pirenópolis. This research has as purpose revisiting some expressions from brazilian popular culture, such as the ox and its respective masks. Therefore, we resort to ethnographic accuracy in order to investigate the field where these celebrations take place in Brazil. We have privileged the dynamics in which these expressions have surpassed a ritualistic dimension, taking different tones with new discourses concerning folklorization of the traditional popular culture, by becoming objects, commodities or cultural products offered to tourism. This paper's proposal is to demonstrate the legitimacy of ox mask and its representatives in manifestations of popular religiosity in Goiás, mostly Pirenópolis, in "Festa do Divino" 's fest which takes place during Pentecost. Lastly, we observe that, due to the rooting of these manifestations in a specific locality, community keeps respecting its culture and, likewise, enjoys changes throughout contemporaneity. Some groups also present it in elitist locations, providing visibilityto their immaterial cultural heritage.
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