The international press and the feuilletonistic critique of shows: an intercrossing of readings from the series “Semana Lírica” (1846-1847), by Martins Pena




Martins Pena. “Semana Lírica”. feuilleton. theatrical critique.


The feuilleton about lyric theater was a highly successful section in journals since the first half of the 19th century. In Brazil, between 1846 and 1847, Martins Pena produced the series “Semana Lírica” in the footnotes of the Jornal do Commercio. Vilma Arêas (1987), studying the comedy writer, inaugurates the specific study of these feuilletons, explaining everything from their content to the feuilletonistic style. This study intends to gather the main points approached by Arêas, deepening and complementing the analysis of Pena’s critical elaboration, observing his procedures and methods under the light of feuilletonistic practices of the transnational press.


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How to Cite

GIMENEZ, P. R. The international press and the feuilletonistic critique of shows: an intercrossing of readings from the series “Semana Lírica” (1846-1847), by Martins Pena. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 33, p. e65790, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/sig.v33.65790. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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