Texts of scientific dissemination in the Pesquisa Fapesp magazine: Analysis of syncretism in AIDS reporting
Enunciation, Scientific divulgation, Speech, Syncretism, TextAbstract
This paper aims to examine the text of scientific dissemination to verify how the senses are constructed. To this end, it proposes to examine Pesquisa Fapesp magazine, which, in the perception of the project, corresponds a syncretic text, understood as those in which verbal and visual language establish a homologation relationship for the production of global meaning. The theoretical-methodological perspective from which the investigation will be undertaken is that of discursive semiotics, which treats the verb-visual text as a manifestation of meaning resulting from the syncretism of different languages. In order to achieve this goal, the paper initially proposes to describe and examine the organization of Pesquisa Fapesp magazine to understand how it deals with scientific dissemination and to which interlocutor it addresses. Secondly, it aims to produce the semiotic analysis of a report from the referred magazine.
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