Death of the double, death of the self: suicide in three gothic narratives from the 19th century




Suicide, Double, Gothic Fiction


This article aims at analyzing how suicide is represented in The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson, and “William Wilson”, by Edgar Allan Poe, considering that all three of them present supernatural situations linked to the image of the double. Besides dealing with this deep relation between voluntary death and the double at narrative level, we also seek to develop a contextual discussion about suicide in 19th century. Theoretical foundations are given, among others, by Bravo (2005) and Benyon-Payne (2015).


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Author Biography

Willian André, Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR). Campo Mourão

Professor Adjunto, Colegiado de Letras, Universidade Estadual do Paraná


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How to Cite

ANDRÉ, W.; OLIVEIRA, A. P. Death of the double, death of the self: suicide in three gothic narratives from the 19th century. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 32, p. e58553, 2020. DOI: 10.5216/sig.v32.58553. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.



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