“As vozes daquele tempo”: imaginary of childhood and patriarchalism in Manuel Bandeira’s poetry (1924-1930)


  • Felipe Alves Paulo Cavalcanti Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, felipe.alves.paulo@gmail.com
  • Durval Muniz de Albuquerque Junior Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, durvalal@gmail.com




Manuel Bandeira. Gilberto Freyre. Childhood. Patriarchalism. Poetry.


In this article, we investigate the construction of an imaginary of the childhood in the poetical works of Manuel Bandeira through an analysis of the poem “Evocação do Recife”, written around 1925, and its presence in some of Bandeira’s later poems like “Profundamente” and “Vou-me Embora pra Pasárgada”, both compiled in the work Libertinagem, published in 1930. Here, we stress the relation between this “world of childhood” created by Bandeira and the freyrean imaginary of the patriarchalism, that is, the “world of our grandfathers” that Gilberto Freyre tried to recover in his writings for Diário de Pernambuco during the Brazilian 1920’s.


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Author Biographies

Felipe Alves Paulo Cavalcanti, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, felipe.alves.paulo@gmail.com

Durval Muniz de Albuquerque Junior, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, durvalal@gmail.com



How to Cite

ALVES PAULO CAVALCANTI, F. .; MUNIZ DE ALBUQUERQUE JUNIOR, D. . “As vozes daquele tempo”: imaginary of childhood and patriarchalism in Manuel Bandeira’s poetry (1924-1930). Signótica, Goiânia, v. 30, n. 1, p. 52–74, 2018. DOI: 10.5216/sig.v30i1.48514. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/sig/article/view/48514. Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.



Seção Temática