About the Journal

Focus and Scope

SIGNÓTICA is a publication of the Graduate Program in Letters and Linguistics of the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Its objective is to disseminate unpublished works in the applied or theoretical areas of Letters and Linguistics in the form of articles, translations, interviews and reviews. Works may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French or Italian. They must meet specific standards available on the journal’s website: http://www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/sig/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.

Peer Review Process

The selection of works for publication is done in two stages.

No payment whatsoever will be required from authors for the editing or publication of their articles.

In the first one, the work is evaluated by the Editorial Commission, which makes a previous analysis of its content and shape to verify if it fits the editorial policy of the journal, and if it follows the rules of publication. The disqualification of the work in this stage occurs when the manuscript:

1) disregards the ABNT rules, especially in what refers to citations, references, identification of tables and images throughout the text;

2) presents inadequate writing, with an evident lack of domain of academic language, including problems of cohesion, linguistic errors, and typing problems;

3) presents a simple revision of literature without a critical position;

4) disregards the formatting indicated in the journal rules.

5) does not present authorship of at least one doctor in the area of interest;

6) present self-plagiarism or third-party plagiarism in parts of the article or in all of it.

If the work meets these basic criteria, it is sent to two members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc experts, who evaluate the following aspects: relevance of the theme, originality of research, clarity of methodology, adequate writing in the standard language.  

Only the works approved by both experts will be forwarded to publication. In case of extreme disagreement between the experts, a third evaluation is requested.

The acceptance of the work implies the automatic transfer of copyright to the journal.

The complete process of reception, pre-evaluation, blind peer review, and final editing, takes, on average, 68 days.

Publication Frequency

Continuous publication, so article submissions are also performed in continuous flow.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers free immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available for free to the public assists in the worldwide democratization of knowledge.


Signótica is committed to ethical behavior in all stages of the publishing process. Practices of plagiarism, defamation, violation of copyright, will not be allowed. The Editorial Board is committed to the impersonality, transparence and confidentiality in evaluations, preserving the right of evaluators, authors, and the involved institutions in the editorial process. We utilize, in the process of edition, the CopySpider software.

We are commited to the ethical principles of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) described at http://publicationethics.org/.


I. Authorship must be considered when the person contributed significantly with ALL three items:

a. Conception and planning of the work produced, OR analysis and interpretation of data; and

b. Writing of the production or critical revision with important intellectual contribution to its content; and

c. final approval of the version to be published.  

II. It is not considered authorship when the research contributed only with one or more of the items below:

a. data collection;

b. fundraising for the research;

c. supervision of a research group;

d. cession of materials (books, printer, computer, etc.), workspace or any other material.

e. conduction of discipline, even if it gave origin to the submitted text.


III. On the recognition of other contributions;

a. It is important to recognize the significant contributions for the project that gave origin to the submission, but that do not apply to the criteria of authorship.

b. The recognition of said contributions can be done in a footnote linked to the title or another excerpt of the submitted text.

IV. On the order of authorship:

a. All authors must agree with the order of authorship.

b. No criteria of seniority must be used to decide on the order of authorship.

c. We suggest that objective criteria be utilized for the determination of the order.

d. In case of doubts, BEFORE submitting the original text to Signótica, we suggest referring to the instructions of the Vancouver Protocol available at: <http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html>; or to the indications of the Council of Science Editors available at:  <https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/resource-library/editorial-policies/white-paper-on-publication-ethics/>

V. Misconducts:
Here are some misconducts that can lead to the rejection of a submission, in case of proof:

a. taking advantage of hierarchical position to make your name appear as co-author of a scientific work.

b. presenting as yours, in all or in part, a scientific work of others, even if unpublished.

c. using, without reference to the author or without their express authorization, data, information or opinions collected in parts published or unpublished of their work.  


The statement of individual contribution must be sent in the form of a supplementary document in the formats DOC, DOCX or PDF in the last stage of submission for the article.


"All the authors have offered substantial scientific and intellectual contributions to the study. The tasks of conception and design of the study, preparation and redaction of the manuscript, as well as the final approval of the version to be submitted were developed in group. The first author _____ was especially responsible for the conception and planning of the work produced; the second author ____, for the analysis and interpretation of data.”

This model must be edited and detailed for each submission.


We thank the Division of Journals of the CEGRAF/UFG for revision and publishing.

  • Universidade Federal de Goiás

Sources of Support

We thank the support of the UFG’s Programa de Apoio às Publicações Periódicas Científicas – PROAPUPEC.

Journal History

SIGNÓTICA magazine is a publication from the Graduation Program in Letters and Linguistics of the Universidade Federal de Goiás. Its goal is to promote inedited theoretical works, or those applied in the areas of Letters and Linguistics, in the form of articles and, eventually, translations, interviews, and reviews.

The first volume was published in 1987, and the next one in 1990, with a two-year interval. Starting on that date, every year since, a new edition was published, always looking to guarantee regularity, quality and relevance to this journal among Brazilian universities, in connection with the international community.

In 2003, the journal gained a new reformulation with the goal of reaching new standards of quality in scientific publications and starts to be edited every semester, starting on volume 14, each number dedicated to one of the areas of concentration of the Graduation Program: Literary and Linguistic Studies.

In 2007, the magazine starts to integrate the CLASE system, a bibliographical database created in 1975 by México’s Universidade Nacional Autônoma to gather and spread bibliographic information published in approximately 1,500 magazines from Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, specialized in Social Sciences and Humanities.

In 2011, the magazine is indexed in the Open Acces Directory Journals and in the Capes’ Journal Portal, and in 2017 it was already inserted in 9 different indexers.

The Signótica Magazine also integrates the Qualis base, classified as B1 in the Sucupira journal evaluation (quadrennium 2013-2016).

Since 2007, the magazine utilizes the Electronic System for Magazine Publishing (SEER), which is a software developed for the management and automation of the publishing activities of scientific journals. The SEER was translated and customized by the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) based on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), currently based on three Universities: University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and Stanford University.

Since 2015, Signótica, with a growing submission of 200 annual articles, diagnosticated the consolidation of its on-line version. This consolidation, combined with a bigger investment plan in a team, made the magazine direct the traditional budget of printing to the expansion of the team. Therefore, the magazine has only published its online version since then, keeping the ISSN 0103-7250 (printed edition) and ISSN 2316-3690 (on-line edition) for reasons of historic record.

Celebrating its 30 years of publication, in 2018, Signótica has become a trimestral publication, publishing 4 volumes every year, with the odd numbers being dedicated to Literary Studies and even numbers dedicated to Linguistic Studies.

History of Signótica editors, 30 years (1987-2017)

Moema de Castro e Silva Olival                                 1987-1991

Zênia de Faria                                                                1992-1993 and 2003-2007

Mary Fátima de L. Mendonça                                    1994-1997

Goiandira de F. Ortiz de Camargo                            1998-2002

Marilúcia Mendes Ramos                                           1998-2002 e 2014

Maria Zaira Turchi                                                         2003-2011

Oto Araújo Vale                                                             2003-2005

Heloísa Augusta Brito de Mello                                 2006-2014

Pedro Carlos Louzada Fonseca                                  2008-2011

Solange Fiuza Yokozawa                                             2012-2013 and 2016-2017

Rosane Rocha Pessoa                                                  2015-2016

Jamesson Buarque de Souza                                      2015

Joana Plaza Pinto                                                          2012-current

Wilson José Flores Junior                                            2016-current

Dilys Karen Rees                                                            2017-current