The self-efficacy sense of the teachers of deaf autistic students in bilingual schools
Teacher self-efficacy. Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Deaf.Abstract
The Autism Self-Efficacy Scale for Teachers (ASSET) assesses teachers' self-efficacy beliefs in their ability to perform tasks in teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The study aimed to identify and analyze the self-efficacy belief (AED) of 38 teachers of deaf students with ASD working in EMEBS – Municipal Schools of Bilingual Education for the Deaf – and in regular schools for inclusive and bilingual care centers for the deaf in Brazil. As a data collection instrument, ASSET was used. The results show that the majority of participants are confident with the items evaluated, which can be a potential predictor of teaching attitudes in bilingual educational contexts, since self-efficacy plays a determining role in the thinking, behavior and performance of an action. This work highlights the importance of self-assessment instruments aimed at teachers who work in education for people with deaf ASD in Brazil.
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