Conflitos, Resolutividade, Satisfação, Autocomposição, Sistema jurisdicionalAbstract
With the present research, we sought to proceed with a diagnosis that could expose the concept of conflict as a social fact and its typologies, while taking into account the satisfaction of users of judicial mechanisms for their adequate treatment. With this, it is intended to clarify whether there are possibilities that the data obtained in evaluative analyzes can be taken into account in the conduct of the judicial public policy for the treatment of conflicts of interest. Therefore, the main objective to be achieved is to analyze the conflicting complexity of current society and its typologies, as well as the satisfaction of the user of the judicial system in these cases. In this, the problem that will be faced during the development of the text originates from the fact that the public policy in question does not have evaluative elements that take into account the complexity of conflicts at the same time as the satisfaction of its users. To examine the proposal, it was decided to use historical, comparative and bibliographic research methods. In the end, it was concluded that the lack of an evaluation that takes into account the satisfaction of users of the appropriate means of dealing with conflicts of interest ends up generating a lack of planning that harms the mechanisms themselves, since there is no scientific basis for that can be adjusted or improved to what is expected of them.
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