Estado capitalista, Direito Processual Civil, teoria autônoma da ação, teoria da substanciação, reprodução das relações de produçãoAbstract
This article discusses the functional and structural dimensions of the Capitalist State in the light of Civil Procedural Law in the RomanGermanic tradition. With this, the objective is to analyze the intersection between Civil Procedural Law and the Capitalist State and provide a critical reading in the formation of civil procedural categories. It is therefore a matter of investigating the functions performed by Civil Procedural Law for the reproduction of production relations, having as a hypothesis the performance of substantiation and the autonomy of action as guarantors of exchange in the free market. The research is bibliographical, with the adoption of the Critical Theory of Law and the State as a theoretical framework, especially the works of Nicos Poulanzas (2019) and Guilhermo O’Donnell (1978). As a result, it is possible to affirm that Civil Procedural Law plays an important role in the reproduction of production relations, through the theory of substantiation - which provides predictability and legal certainty to judicial decisions -, and through the autonomous theory of action - which, by granting to the State the legitimate monopoly of violence, it provides the guarantee for exchanges on the market. Conclusively, the research confirms the hypothesis regarding the dialogue between Civil Procedural Law and the Capitalist State, which allows the development of procedural categories in future research from a critical point of view.
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