Indigenous Decolonial Feminism and the Brazilian Technological Professional Education of Indigenous Girls and Women




Indigenous Decolonial Feminism. Technological Professional Education. Indigenous Girls and Women. Americas and the Caribbean.


The Decolonial Indigenous Feminism (DIF) produced in America and the Caribbean for brazilian Technological Professional Education (TPE) is a study proposal that problematizes this relationship in the formation of girls and indigenous women as protagonists of formation and production of knowledge, access and permanence in courses offered by the Federal Institutes (FI) and postgraduate training. The problem of this investigation is around expressing (non-colonial) reflections on the configuration of DIF thinking present in America and the Caribbean in the TPE of indigenous girls and women. The objective is, in general, to organize a reflection that allows the identification of the DIF s thinking in the TPE of the Brazilian Federal Institutes (FI). Specifically, it aims to briefly map the DIF theoretical framework in America and the Caribbean; second, to make an inventory of the productions on TPE in Brazilian FIs that are directed to the theme of feminism and the protagonism of indigenous girls and women in technical education. The methodology is the Literature Review in the listing of national productions by Google Scholar under the descriptor “professional education, gender, indigenous”, from 2010 to 2020. Inclusion criteria: articles in national journals, dissertations, theses and publications in scientific events. The results indicate that DIF thinking in the TPE is marked by the following elements: the cultural element, the political element (local/national/international-continental), the professionality-community articulating element and the element of future, unfinished, linked “constructions” to the land, to the territory. This article concludes with “continuities” not only of struggles, but of articulations of and in the elements identified as DIF markers for TPE in Brazilian FIs promoting the protagonism of knowledge production of indigenous girls and women.


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. R. da. Indigenous Decolonial Feminism and the Brazilian Technological Professional Education of Indigenous Girls and Women. Articulando e Construindo Saberes, Goiânia, v. 7, 2022. DOI: 10.5216/racs.v7.69608. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.