Detachment efficiency of fruits from coffee plants subjected to mechanical vibrations


  • Andre Luiz de Freitas Coelho Faculdade de Viçosa
  • Fábio Lúcio Santos
  • Fransciso de Assis de Carvalho Pinto
  • Daniel Marçal de Queiroz


Coffea arabica, vibrational parameters, mechanical harvesting.


The development of efficient machines for the mechanical harvesting of coffee plants requires the use of appropriate vibrational parameters. Thus, in order to detach less unripe fruits and decrease reharvesting, branch breakage and defoliation, it is important to choose the appropriate frequency, amplitude and vibration time. This study aimed at analyzing the detachment efficiency of fruits from coffee plants according to vibrational parameters and ripening stage. Fruit bunches were sampled at the green and mature stages and subjected to vibration, using a system composed by a signal generator, an amplifier and an electromagnetic vibrating machine. Tests combined different frequencies (16.4 Hz, 20.3 Hz, 24 Hz, 25.6 Hz, 30.0 Hz and 33.0 Hz), amplitudes (5.0 mm, 7.0 mm and 9.0 mm) and vibration times (10.0 s and 20.0 s). The vibration times did not affect the detachment efficiency. There was a trend for higher detachment efficiency in mature fruits than in green fruits. The detachment efficiency increased with increasing vibration frequency and amplitude.


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Author Biography

Andre Luiz de Freitas Coelho, Faculdade de Viçosa

Professor do Curso de Engenharia de Produção da Faculdade de Viçosa




How to Cite

COELHO, A. L. de F.; SANTOS, F. L.; PINTO, F. de A. de C.; QUEIROZ, D. M. de. Detachment efficiency of fruits from coffee plants subjected to mechanical vibrations. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical [Agricultural Research in the Tropics], Goiânia, v. 45, n. 4, p. 406–412, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Research Article