Motivational and Contextualization Actions in Initial Series (Freshmans) of the Undergraduate Biochemical Engineering Course
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Education, Engineering, Student Motivation, UndergraduationAbstract
The focus of this work was to present the activities carried out with the first and second semester students of the Biochemical Engineering (EB) undergraduate course of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) through actions related to the Project "Contextualization of Basic Disciplines and Motivation of the initial series of the courses of Food Engineering and Biochemical Engineering: meeting an old and a current demand", of the Program of Support to Restructuring and Expansion Plans of Federal Universities. The following activities were carried out: Cycle of Lectures; Lectures of graduated of Engineers working in the field; Computer Tool Workshops; Scientific Research Workshops; Seminar Presentations, Application of study tutorials; Surveys, among others. These activities contributed to motivation and expansion on the knowledge about course, and also contextualized practices that are explored. throughout the academic activities. The actions developed in this work can be reproduced in other courses and educational institutions in the fight against demotivation, dropouts and retention.
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