This is an outdated version published on 2022-03-30. Read the most recent version.

Hierarchy and considerations among the Tuyuka of the Upper Rio Negro

the question of the descendance groups, their classifications and relations.


  • Emmanuel René Richard Université Paris Nanterre


Alto Rio Negro. Hierarquia. Organização social. Parentesco. Relações.


This paper consists of a reflection on the question of social organization and on the meaning of collectives from the point of view of the Tuyuka, focusing more
particularly on the most exclusive and apparently the most significant scale of Eastern Tukano social units, the « sib ». The paper first’s question concerns the origin, meaning and relevance of this concept, posed from a perspective aimed at understanding Amerindian ways of thinking and action and the dynamic nature of the construction of
collectives. To do this, the article relates secondly to the different ways of naming and classifying the tuyuka languagecollectives (sibs) according to different sources, whether they are anthropologists, Amerindians or non-Amerindians; or even the tuyuka
interlocutors interviewed during my field research. Thirdly, the reflection continues on the
definition of sibs, their specificities and their interrelationships, leading us to question the
concept of hierarchy, at the center of debates in regional ethnology.


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Fotografia de Curt Nimuendajú - índios Hohodene, dirigindo-se para a maloca Tucandira dos Awadzurunai passando a Yandu-Cachoeira (1927) – Acervo Fotoetnográfico da Coleção Carlos Estevão de Oliveira do Museu do Estado de Pernambuco.


2022-01-24 — Updated on 2022-03-30


How to Cite

RICHARD, E. R. Hierarchy and considerations among the Tuyuka of the Upper Rio Negro: the question of the descendance groups, their classifications and relations. Hawò, Goiânia, v. 2, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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