“P’a gozar con el ritmo del tambó”

body, movement and emotion in Victoria Santa Cruz’s epistemology of rhythm


  • Camila Daniel Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Três Rios, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


Afroperuvianness, Ancestrality, Autoethnography, Decoloniality


This article analyzes the work of Victoria Santa Cruz as a decolonial epistemology. The artist, theater director and Afro-Peruvian intellectual was a pioneer in the research, recreation and performance of Afro-Peruvian cultural expressions. From her experience, she founded an epistemology that practices the Black arts as a claim to afro-peruanidad as part of the national identity. They were also a way of producing (self) knowledge that challenges the division between mind, body and emotion characteristic of modern metaphysics. In the “inner rhythm” epistemology, Victoria expands the possible significance of traditional cultural manifestations, including Black ones. They are seen as form to spread her thoughts and encouraging the decolonization of being. This article establishes the dialogue between Victoria, Black intellectuals in the diaspora and my trajectory as a Black Brazilian anthropologist working with Peruvian immigrants. Thus, we understand the importance of the Black experience to decolonize the Anthropology of dance, body and emotions.


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How to Cite

DANIEL, C. “P’a gozar con el ritmo del tambó”: body, movement and emotion in Victoria Santa Cruz’s epistemology of rhythm . Hawò, Goiânia, v. 1, p. 1–35, 2021. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/hawo/article/view/66051. Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.



Dossiê Corpo em Dança: transformações, ritmos e lugares