Instructions to authors


The submitted manuscripts must be original, of authorship of the credited individuals, and sent exclusively to the REE, not being published or evaluated by any other journal.  

The REE accepts submissions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. If accepted for publication, in the case of manuscripts originally in English and Spanish must be provided a translation to portuguese, and manuscripts originally in Portuguese and Spanish must be provided a translation to English. Multiple submissions of the same manuscript and redundant publications will be disregarded. 

The Editors or members of the Editorial Board may occasionally submit their own manuscripts for possible publication in the journal. In these cases, the peer review process will be managed by alternative members of the Board and the submiting Editor/Board member will have no involvement in the decision-making process.

Occasionally, the “Guest Editor” section may be opened in the strategic theme of interest of Sciences in the nursing and health. The manuscripts directed to this sections must follow the same editorial policy and norms as manuscripts in the other sections. 

The opinions and concepts stated in the article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the REE Editorial Board. 

1.1 Publication Ethics and Research Integrity 

Respecting international guidelines for good publishing practices, REE follows the instructions of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 

Manuscripts of research involving human subjects must state having complied with Resolution 466/2012 of the Brazilian National Health Council (CNS) or equivalent department in the country where the study was performed. Brazilian studies must indicate the approval number from the ethics committee, duly recognized by the National Bioethics Commission of Brazil (CONEP) of the National Health Council (CNS). In addition, the approval declaration from the ethics committee must be attached as a supplementary document in the submission process.

The Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem utilizes the system Similarity Check (by Crossref) to verify possible similarities in the submitted manuscripts. In case of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fake and/or manipulated data, and other practices that violate scientific integrity and publication ethics, the Journal will follow the COPE suggestions ( The cases will be analyzed by the Editorial Board and the appropriate decision will be taken, including but not being limited by the suspension of the publication. The authors will be aware of the entire process and decisions made. 

If the authors wish to appeal a decision by the Editorial Board or wish to file complaints regarding the conduct of those involved in the evaluation process, the solicitation must be presented via the REE email (, with all necessary information for the investigation of the matter. This process will be made following the COPE flowcharts (

1.2 Authorship

The Journal utilizes the authorship definition of the International Commitee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), which establishes the obligation to meet four criteria:  

  1. Substancial contribution to the design and planning of the research project or the acquisiton, analysis and interpretation of data; AND
  2. Drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  3. Final approval of the manuscript to be published; AND

  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the manuscript in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the manuscritp are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Besides these criteria, the ICMJE states that an author should be capable to identify the contributions of each co-author and hold confidence in the integrity of the co-author's contributions.

Only individuals who fall into this category must be credited as authors. The REE apply that each author's contribution be specified in the document "Title Page". Contributions that do not fit into either of the above criteria for authorship must be credited in the document "Title Page" in the "acknowledgment" section. 

Changes on the authorship's list during the review process, whether additions or exclusions, must be justified to the Editorial Board before any measure is made. To process said requests, the COPE flowcharts ( will be used. 

During submission one of the authors must be indicated as the primary contact, that will be the one in direct contact with the Journal during the entirety of the process, receiving all the correspondence, as well as being contacted in case of problems with the submission, request additional documents, and others. The primary contact needs to indicate all the coauthors involved in the manuscript in the document "Title Page", which must be attached with the manuscript in the submission. The manuscript must be attached without any indication of the authors' identities. The authors' order is defined by themselves. Furthermore, another document, called "Authorship declaration and transfer of copyright", should be attached as well, signed by the coauthor. This document is individual, being needed one copy from each author. 

In case of problems or doubts regarding the veracity of the claims of authorship, the Editorial Board will temporarily suspend the process to check the case, using the COPE flowcharts ( The authors will be informed of any suspicions and decisions taken. 

After publication, solicitations of addition or removal of authors are no longer allowed.

1.2.1 Implementation of Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT)

The Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) was endorsed by Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem (REE) to allow authors the opportunity to share an more accurate description of their diverse contributions to the manuscript. During the submission process, in the Title Page, the role(s) of all authors should be listed, using the CRediT. Authors are allowed to indicate participation in multiple roles.

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the descriptions are accurate and agreed upon by all authors.

It is important to emphasize that CRediT in any way changes the journal's criteria for authorship previously informed.

The author's CRediT statement must be provided during submission and will appear below the conclusion section of the published paper.

CRediT is available at

1.3 Conflicts of Interest

During the submission process of a manuscript, all possible conflicts of interest must be communicated by the authors. Potential conflict of interest refers to any involvement or relationship, be it of political, financial, religious, or personal nature, that can influence the objectivity in which a study is conducted. Instances of potential conflicts of interest can be employment, financing of studies, and conflicting beliefs with the studied subject, among others. Possible Conflicts of Interest must be informed through the document "Title Page" during submission. The existence of Conflicts of Interest will not prevent publication. In the case of undisclosed conflicts of interest, the Editorial Board will follow the COPE flowcharts ( The authors will be informed of any suspicions and be aware of the process and decisions made by the REE. 

2. Published Categories 


REE accepts texts in the following modalities:

  • Editorial: aims to publish the official opinion of the journal regarding relevant topics in the fields of Nursing and Health. Editorials can be written by experts invited by the REE Editorial Board and must be limited to 1,200 words, not considering the references, limited to 10.  

  • Original articles: paper resulting from original quantitative or qualitative research, which adds innovations and advancements in the production of scientific knowledge. Limited to 4,000 words, not considering the content of illustrations (charts, photos and tables, among others, limited to five) and references, limited to 40. The abstract is limited to 200 words. 

  • Review articles:these studies synthesize critical and systematic of the current literature on a topic. Are included in this category: integrative review, systematic review with or without meta-analysis or meta-synthesis, mapping review, overview, and also scope review. The method must be thoroughly described, stating the database search process, selection criteria, and classification of the primary studies included. The rigor of the investigation must be guided by a question relevant to nursing and/or related areas, and it should reflect on the production of innovative knowledge. When conducting systematic reviews and meta-analysis, we highly suggest using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) checklist and flowchart. Limited to 4,500 words, not considering the content of illustrations (charts, photos and tables, among others, limited to five) and references. 

  • Theoretical reflection - In-depth theoretical discussion, focusing on a concept, construct, or phenomenon in nursing or a related area. Limited to 2,500 words, not considering the content of illustrations (charts, photos and tables, among others, limited to three) and references, limited to 25. The abstract is limited to 200 words. 

  • Experience Report - consists of the critical-reflexive presentation of an experience lived and the insights produced from its, which, in the dialogue with literature, may to contribute to the construction or advancement of knowledge in a especific area of acquaintance. Three central elements are articulated in that type of knowledge production: experience, scientific basis and critical reflection. Limited to 2.500 words, not considering the content of illustrations (charts, images and tables, limited to three) and references, limited to 25. The abstracts is limited to 200 words.

  • Brief Communicationthey are shorts manuscripts which present original material to rapid dissemination, being able to address a specific aspect of an object of investigation or problem, to which the text brings relevant contribution. May include primary data, simulation models, theories, methods, among others. The shorts (or brief) communications are priority in the editorial and publication process for the reason that these manuscripts category ares expected an promptly impact on research in general related to a specific problem. In this category has a limit of 2,000 words (main body), two illustrations (figures, charts, tables), 15 references and the abstract limited to 100 words, both the main body and abstract do not subdivide. The category "shorts communications" will be inserted at the end of the Journal under the others categories (Original article, review articles) in the REE summary.
  • Letter to the Editor - argumentative review of relevance by the reader about a published article. Limited to 500 words and three references. Illustrations (figures, charts, tables) are not allowed.

  • Author’s answer - response by cited authors in letters to the editor. Limited to 500 words and three references. Illustrations (figures, charts, tables) are not allowed.

2.3 Manuscripts Acceptance Guidelines

To contribute to the advancement and quality of the production of scientific knowledge, REE adopts the quality standard established by the health research production guidelines - Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of  Health Research Network (EQUATOR), and the registration policies of clinical essays of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to disclose the results of clinical trials, to which the presentation of a registration number is required. 

The Journal also recommends the use of international guidelines in the preparation of the manuscripts.

For all kinds of studies, utilize the guideline Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0 – checklist). 

Additionally, specific guidelines should be used according to the type of study: 

  • Randomized clinical trials:CONSORT; 
  • Randomized clinical trials employing Non-Pharmacologic Treatment Interventions: CONSORT-NPT
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses:PRISMA; and ENTREQ - for qualitative research syntheses; 
  • Observational studies:STROBE; 
  • Qualitative studies:COREQ. 

Further categories not present in this description must consult the guidelines at 

3. Review Process

The manuscripts received for analysis are submitted to an initial assessment stage developed by the Editorial Board, regarding compliance with the editorial norms, the pertinence of the text content to the scope of the journal, and contribution to the innovation of knowledge in the field. If there are pending issues concerning the rules, corrections will be requested. Failure to respond to this request within therequired period will result in immediate cancellation of the submission. Manuscripts that fail to comply with the editorial norms will be rejected without content analysis.That one considered in compliance with the requirements assessed at this stagecontinues to the peer review process, conducted assuring the confidentiality of the reviewers and authors (double-blind), which is coordinated by an Associate Editor. The Associate Editor analyzes the reviewers’ comments and can also request text adjustments to the REE scope, especially regarding compliance with the publication norms and theoretical-methodological rigor. The editorial decision is entered into the submission system and made available for authors with an indication that the article has been accepted, requires further review, or has been declined. Along with the reviewers’ comments and manuscripts with suggestions, the authors also receive instructions to submit a response letter with the reviewed version stating they followed the recommendations of the editors and reviewers. The response letter must be submitted in a complementary document, along with the new corrected version of the manuscripts. In reformulation case, the Associate Editor is responsible for following up on all changes made to the manuscripts. The Editorial Board is responsible for the final approval of the article. 

No additions or changes to the manuscript will be accepted after the final approved version by the Editorial Board has been provided.

4. Submission Process

Manuscripts must be submitted to REE exclusively through the Electronic Open Journal System which provides an identification number. 

The documents listed below must be attached in the system: 

  • Title Page (.doc or .docx format); 
  • File containing the manuscript (main document) in .doc or .docx format;
  • Authorship declaration and transfer of copyright for each author in pdf or jpg format; 
  • Approval of the research ethics committee (Brazilian authors) or declaration informing that the research did not involve human beings. Authors from other countries should follow the same procedures regarding the manuscript but should comply with the orientations of their own country for the development of human research (, in pdf or jpg format. 


Queries about structure, submission, and resubmission will be attended exclusively to the email 

By submitting a manuscript, the author declares to be aware and in accord with the journal’s guides.

5. Authors Fees

The manuscript submission is free of change, the authors are only charged the publishing costs and the translations, in case of approval. 

The publishing costs for authors include: 

1. Payment of the publishing fee to the Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem through the Research Support Foundation – FUNAPE:

  • R$1,300.00 (One thousand and three hundred Brazilian Reais).
  • Method of payment: deposit or bank transfer;
  • Bank details for deposit for bank transfer:  
    • Banco do Brasil (Bank code: 001) 
    • FUNAPE - Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem 
    • Bank agency: 0086-8 
    • Checking account: 21.479-5
    • CNPJ FUNAPE: 00.799.205/0001-89 
  • Details for international bank transfer:  
    • IBAN: BR4200000000000860000214795C1

2. Payment of the article’s translation to Portuguese when submitted in English and Spanish, and to English when the article has been submitted in Portuguese or Spanish. This payment must be done directly to the translators accredited in the Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem. Additionally, on manuscripts submitted in English and Portuguese, the title and abstracts must be translated into Spanish.

The Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem reserves the right to indicate accredited translators. 

5.1 Copyright

The copyright of the submitted and accepted manuscript will be transferred to Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem.


The Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem adopts the Uniform Requirements (Vancouver style) for text composition.

Manuscripts submitted must be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. If accepted, the respective translations must be provided, as stated previously. 

6.1 Manuscript Structure

The manuscripts should adopt a conventional structure, including title, abstract, descriptors, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. The content should highlight the study’s contributions to the advancement of nursing knowledge. The use of international guidelines for manuscript preparation is recommended. In addition, the use of clear and objective language is recommended, reviewed by qualified professional, and avoidance of non-standard abbreviations and loanwords. 

In the word Count on the main document, the authors must not consider the study title, abstract, descriptors, illustrations and references, which must be considered individually as described below.

  • Title: must express the object of research and the nature of the study, limited to 20 words. 
  • Abstract: must be structured in objective, methods, results, and conclusion, limited to 200 words. 
  • Descriptors: must be presented 3 (three) up to 5 (five) descriptors, available from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine. 
  • Introduction: short text that clearly presents the research question, founded on a pertinent and current theoretical framework, clarifying the boundary area of knowledgement and highlight the relevance of the study. The end of this section should describe the study objectives.
  • Methods: The type of study, location and period in which the research was performed must be described. State the data source, specifying, in terms of the studied population, the inclusion and exclusion criteria and the selection of the sample size. Present details of the data collection procedures and the foundations of the data analysis, including the contents of the instrument used for data collection. Studies performed in Brazil should provide details regarding the ethical aspects, informing the use of the Free and Informed Consent Form for human research and the number of the approval received from the Research Ethics Committee. Foreign authors should inform the procedures adopted in the study’s country of origin. In the case of the utilization of software, indicate the version, name of the developer responsible, and country.
  • Results: this section should be clear and objective, without including interpretations or personal comments. Results presented in tables and figures are encouraged, avoiding the repetition of information in the text. In quantitative studies the results must be presented apart from the discussion section. Authors of qualitative studies may present the results separately or combined with the discussion section, considering the chosen methodological design.
  • Discussion: should draw from the obtained data and results, emphasizing on the innovations obtained through the investigation, avoiding the repetition of information that has been presented in previous sections (introduction, methods and results). All the results should be discussed, supported by a strictly pertinent theoretical framework, which should be up-to-date and allow for the identification of dialogues with other relevant studies. In the end of this section must present the study limitations.
  • Conclusion: the text linked to the study objectives, supported on the evidence found through the investigation. It should present clearly the study’s achievement through the general conclusions which can be detailed and supported throughout it. Present gaps resulting of investigation, showing potential aspects for further research. Generalizations, when pertinent, are encouraged.

Manuscript format

  • Format .doc or .docx;
  • Paper size A4;
  • 2.5 cm margins;
  • Font Verdana, size 10, in the full text, except in tables, where it can be used letter sizes 8, 9, or 10;
  • 1.5 line spacing throughout the manuscript;
  • Indent of 1.0 cm.


  • Authors must be identified exclusively on a separate page from the manuscript - on Title Page. They must come in order of authorship (if there is more than one), with credentials following the name, containing the following information: full name, e-mail (preferably institutional), Institution of origin and ORCID registration number.
  • The authorship of the manuscripts must express the contribution of each person listed as an author with regard to the design and planning of the research project, obtaining or analyzing and interpreting the data, writing and critical review.


  • Must be placed on the Title Page and on the first page of the Manuscript, in the same language of the manuscript, justified text, bold, contend up to 20 words, being allowed only already established abbreviations. Capitalize only the first letter of the title.


  • It must be structured in objectives, method, results and conclusion, written in a single paragraph, presented on the first page of the manuscript, from 100 to 200 words, only in the language in which the full text was written. In case of the manuscript's approval for publication, the translation will be requiried to English and Spanish, when the original text was submitted in Portuguese; to Portuguese and Spanish, when the original text was English; and, to Portuguese and English when the original text was submitted in Spanish. 


  • At the end of the abstract, 3 (three) to 5 (five) descriptors should be included, which will be used in the indexation of the studies. Authors should refer to the “Descriptors in Health Sciences” of the Virtual Health Library, using the corresponding descriptors. The descriptors must appear in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Acronyms and abbreviations

  • In order to use acronyms and abbreviations, first the worded expression should be presented, unless referring to standardized measure units.


  • Should be marked with asterisks, initiated per page and restricted to a minimum.


  • Illustrations (tables, charts, graphs, drawings, flowcharts, and images) are allowedup to 5, and should be embedded in the text soon after being mentioned for the first time.
  • Tables must follow the guidelines of tabular presentation of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), available at;
  • The title of illustrations  should contain precise and concise informations, indicating the study location and year of the data, and being presented above of illustratons. Identification of the place where the study was developed is not necessaty in case of sistematic/integrative review or scoping review.
  • The illustration must be presented in an editable format, allowing layout preparation and translation.


  • In “ipsis litteris” citations of the references,  should be presented between quotation marks throughout the text. 
  • Citations of study subjects’ statements should be presented in italic, throughout the text. If the subjects’ statements are longer than three lines, they must be presented in a subsequent paragraph, in italic, maintaining the same font size and line spacing. The participant's code must be indicated after the transcription of speeches. 
  • Software citations must contain the utilized version and the responsable company.


  • The REE reference rules are based on those adopted by the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (Vancouver style), published as the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( 
  • In the text, references must be numbered consecutively according to their first mention in the text, identified with Arabic numerals superscrited between parentheses, without spaces between the last word and the parentheses, without mentioning the authors. 
  • Sequential citations of more than two reference in the text should be separated for a hyphen.  
  • Sequential citations of two citations should be separated by a comma.  
  • Citations of interspersed references should be separeted by commas. 
  • Editorials are allowed a maximum 10 references; Short Communications are limited to 15 references; Experience Reports and Theoretical Reflections are limited to 25, and Original Articles are limited to 40 references. There is no restriction for review papers. 
  • The references should represent and support state-of-the-art knowledge of the topic, be current and qualified journals. 
  • Dissertations, theses, books, officialdocuments, and abstracts onannalsofeventsand Internet links are consideredgreyliterature. They should be used sparsely, having the care to inform precisely all the items that allow localization of the source later.
  • Reference of retracted articles are not allowed.
  • The precision of the information on the references is a responsibility of the authors. 


  • Acknowledgments must be informed on the Title Page.

Financial Support 

  • Statements regarding research support must be informed on the Title Page, including the full name of the sponsoring agency and the process protocol. In the case of scholarships, the name of the beneficiary also needs to be informed. 



Standards Guides

Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles
Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

General orientations

  • The name of the journal must be preferably abbreviated to articles published in scientific journals. Abbreviated titles must be obtained at NCBI database records or the title must be used at SciELO.
  • The expression et al. must be used after the sixth author in references with more than six authors.
  • In the "cited" information on the references, the date needs to be updated and compatible with the manuscript submission date. All the access links to the cited articles must be active and compatible, given direct access to the publication.

Article published in scientific journals

  • Mussi CM, Ruschel K, Souza EN, Lopes AN, Trojahn MM, Paraboni CC, et al. Visita domiciliar melhora conhecimento, autocuidado e adesão na insuficiência cardíaca: ensaio clínico randomizado HELEN-I. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2013;21(esp):20-8

Article in scientific journals, volume with supplement

  • Mantovani C, Migon MN, Alheira FV, Del-Ben CM. Manejo de paciente agitado ou agressivo. Rev Bras Psiquiatr [Internet].; 2010 [cited 2022 Aug 09];32 supl. 2:S96–103. Available from:

Article in scientific journals, issue with supplement

  • Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002;58(12 Suppl 7):S6-12.

Article in scientific journals, issue without volume

  • Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop. 2002;(401):230-8.

Article in scientific journals, no volume or issue

  • Outreach: bringing HIV-positive individuals into care. HRSA Careaction. 2002:1-6

Article published in scientific journals in a language different from Portuguese, English or Spanish

  • Hirayama T, Kobayashi T, Fujita T, Fujino O. [A case of severe mental retardation with blepharophimosis, ptosis, microphthalmia, microcephalus, hypogonadism and short stature-the difference from Ohdo blepharophimosis syndrome]. No To Hattatsu. 2004;36(3):253-7. Japanese.

Article in scientific journals, without author information

  • 21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ. 2002;325(7357):184.

Article in scientific journals, published in online journal

Article in scientific journals, published in online journal, with Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

  • Silva LSAH, Ferreira MM, Silva TN. Constructing an antiracist narrative for training in nursing: an experience report of an affirmative action in the classroom. Rev. Eletr. Enferm. 2023 June 23;25:73996.

Article accepted for publication, available online

  • Santana FR, Nakatani AY, Freitas RA, Souza AC, Bachion MM. Integralidade do cuidado: concepções e práticas de docentes de graduação em enfermagem do estado de Goiás. Ciênc. saúde coletiva. In press 2009.

Book, with a single author

  • Demo P. Autoajuda: uma sociologia da ingenuidade como condição humana. 1st ed. Petrópolis: Vozes; 2005.

Book, with an organizer, editor, compiler as the author

  • Brigth MA, editor. Holistic nursing and healing. Philadelphia: FA Davis Company; 2002.

Book chapter

  • Medeiros M, Munari DB, Bezerra AL, Alves MA. Pesquisa qualitativa em saúde: implicações éticas. In: Ghilhem D, Zicker F, editors. Ética na pesquisa em saúde: avanços e desafios. Brasília: Letras Livres UnB; 2007. p. 99-118.

Book, with institution as the author

  • Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica. Manual de recomendações para o controle da tuberculose no Brasil. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2011.

Book with a translator

  • Stein E. Anorectal and colon diseases: textbook and color atlas of proctology. 1st Engl. ed. Burgdorf WH, translator. Berlin: Springer; c2003. 522 p.

Book available on the Internet

Books published out of Brazil

  • Miranda L, Morais C, Alves P, Dias P. Redes Sociais na aprendizagem: motivação e utilização dos estudantes de ensino superior. In: Moreira JA, Barros DM, Monteiro A. Educação a Distância e e-Learning na web social. Santo Tirso (PT): WHITEBOOKS; 2014. p. 73-95.

Monograph / Dissertation / Thesis

  • Pazzini LT. Caracterização genotípica de microrganismos isolados de infecções da corrente sanguínea relacionadas a cateteres em recém-nascidos [monograph]. São Paulo: Unesp; 2010.

Monograph / Dissertation / Thesis available on the Internet

  • Ribeiro KT. Fatores associados à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de idosos residentes no município de São Paulo - Estudo SABE: Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento [Thesis on the Internet]. [São Paulo]: Universidade de São Paulo; 2011 [cited 2018 Jun 12]. Available from:

Conference Proceedings / Annals

  • Munari DB, Medeiros M, Bezerra AL, Rosso, CF. The group facilitating interpersonal competence development: a brazilian experience of mental health teaching. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Group Psychotherapy [CD-ROM], 2006, São Paulo, Brasil. p. 135-6.
  • Rice AS, Farquhar-Smith WP, Bridges D, Brooks JW. Canabinoids and pain. In: Dostorovsky JO, Carr DB, Koltzenburg M, editors. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Pain, 2002, San Diego, CA. Seattle (WA): IASP Press; c2003. p. 437-68.

Conference Proceedings / Annals available on the Internet

  • Centa ML, Oberhofer PR, Chammas J. A comunicação entre a puérpera e o profissional de saúde. In: Anais do 8º Simpósio Brasileiro de Comunicação em Enfermagem, 2002, São Paulo, Brasil [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2022 Jan 15]. Available from:

Paper presented at a scientific event

  • Robazzi ML, Carvalho EC, Marziale MH. Nursing care and attention for children victims of occupational accident. Conference and Exhibition Guide of the 3rd International Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing & Midwifery, 2000, Manchester; UK. Geneva: WHO; 2000.

Online databases

  • Shah PS, Aliwalas LI, Shah V. Breastfeeding or breast milk for procedural pain in neonates. 2006 Jul 19 [cited 2021 Jul 20]. In: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. Hoboken (NJ): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. c1999 – . Available from: Record No.: CD004950.

Laws / Ordinances / Resolutions

  • Resolução Nº 466 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, de 12 de dezembro de 2012 (BR). Aprova as diretrizes e normas regulamentadoras de pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Diário Oficial da União. 12 dez 2012.

Laws / Ordinances / Resolutions available on the Internet

Newspaper article

  • Souza H, Pereira JL. O orçamento da criança. Folha de São Paulo. 1995 maio 02; Opinião: 1º Caderno.

Newspaper article available on the Internet

Internet page

Internet page, without publication date

Internet page, without publication date but with copyright date