Managemental abilities in the formation of the nurse: documentary analysis of a pedagogical project of course


  • Gladys Amélia Vélez Benito UNIVALI
  • Pâmela Cabral Finato UNIVALI



Nursing Education, Management, Competency-based on education, College education.


This research has as objective to identify the management abilities that subsidize a based formation in knowledge, abilities and attitudes, presented in the Pedagogical Project of a nursing course. It consists a descriptive and exploratory study with qualitative approach, through a thematic analysis of the document content, which is based on an elaborated instrument on the basis of the main points of the management abilities to be developed by nurses in the first aid. This presents the categories and subcategories of each dimension of the management abilities. The result shows that the registers of the Pedagogical Project of this Course, presents a predominance of the dimension knowledge, over the dimensions ability and attitude, showing us that the contents does not reflect yet on the agreement of the Direction and Base Law (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) praised by the Health department and the Ministry of Education for the nurse formation. This study wants to contribute with future reformation of the course’s Pedagogical Project, since it points to the nurse management abilities, cooperating with the development analysis and reflection of each of the dimensions, besides providing subsidies to the development of other research in the formation.

Descriptors: Nursing Education; Management; Competency-based on education; College education.


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Author Biographies

Gladys Amélia Vélez Benito, UNIVALI

Enfermeira. Doutora em Engenharia de Produção. Docente do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Saúde e Gestão do Trabalho e do Curso de Graduação de Enfermagem da UNIVALI, campus Itajaí. Itajaí, SC.

Pâmela Cabral Finato, UNIVALI

Acadêmica do curso de graduação em Enfermagem da UNIVALI, campus Itajaí. Bolsista do ProBIC. Itajaí, SC.





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