Satisfaction of patient hospitalized in relation to the playful activitiesdeveloped by university students
Play Therapy, Hospitalization, Humanization of Assistance.Abstract
Hospitalization is considered a stressful factor to the patient and your family. So, the accomplishment of playful activities in hospitals constitutes a form to contribute for the assistance based in the human values, minimizing the negative consequences that hospitalization can cause. The group SARAKURA was created in 2004, with the intention to take entertainment to the people hospitalized in the Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (HC/UFTM). Ahead of this, it was objectified to characterize the patients interned in the HC/UFTM and to verify its opinion on its satisfaction in relation to the playful activities carried through by the group SARAKURA. Questionnaire was applied the 218 patients who received a visit from SARAKURA during hospitalization. The data had been submitted to the analysis descriptive statistics, evidencing that the participants had evaluated as excellent the period where the group was present in the infirmary (66,98%), the schedule (50%), the carried through playful activities (66,05%), the used material resources (70,18%), the performance of the students (76,15%) and the possibility of other visits (86,70%). The time of permanence of the group had gotten good concept for 37,61% of the participants. It was concluded that the work of group SARAKURA presented good acceptance, by means of the performance of its integrant ones, that they search to promote a culture of respect and valuation of the life human being.
Descriptors: Play Therapy; Hospitalization; Humanization of Assistance.
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