Natural and caesarian delivery: representations of women having both experiences


  • Denismar Borges de Miranda Universidade de Brasília
  • Fátima Cândida da Silva Bortolon Universidade Católica de Goiás
  • Maria Eliane Liégio Matão Universidade Católica de Goiás
  • Pedro Humberto de Faria Campos Universidade Católica de Goiás



Natural childbirth, Delivery obstetric, Psychology Social.


The delivery phenomenon has existed since the arisal of humankind and it represents the process finalling through which species perpetuation is guaranteed. This study aims at knowing the elements of social representation concerning the delivery under the perspectives of women living both natural delivery and caesarian section. This is a descriptive qualitative field research using the Social Representations Theory as a theoretical methodological referential. Data was collected using open interviews in deep with second-time mothers cared in public maternity in Goiânia from July to august in 2006. The analysis was carried out through ALCESTE 4.5 software. Two thematic axes and five classes have emerged. What is considered as the fundamental elements representing childbirth is its framework divided into three stakes, the first one related to the negative part, the second one related to the positive part, and the third one being constituted of aspects related to its institutionalization. Childbirth is still seen as an expected experience, unique and relevant to women’s lives, in spite of pain manifestation, and the hospitalization pursued for safety purposes in the delivery process.

Key words: Natural childbirth; Delivery obstetric; Psychology Social.  


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