Education to healthy as a nursing intervention strategy to people who are carriers of diabetes


  • Maria Aparecida Barbosa Rêgo Universidade Federal de Goiás, Faculdade de Enfermagem


Health education, Communitarian health nursing, Diabetes mellitus.


As a nurse in the program called “Programa Saúde da Família” it was possible to observe that carriers of diabetes, from Nova Aurora-GO, could not reduce their glycemic levels, even if they frequently receive orientations from the healthy staff. This study aimed to analyze an education health process with the carriers of diabetes, using one approach with Paulo Freire’s theoretical purposes and Arco de Maguerez’s methodological purposes adapted by Bordenave and Pereira. Besides that, we intend to evaluate the results from glycosylated hemoglobinbefore and after the implementation of this educational plan. It is an evaluative processual research with a qualitative approach and approved by Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Nineteen carriers of diabetes took part in this educational action and seventeen took part in the glycosylated hemoglobin test.All the participants signed the informed consent and were informed about the intervention.  The educational action was carried out in six meetings. The glycosylated hemoglobin dosage was done in the beginning of the educational action and five months after its conclusion. What the group said, during the meetings, was recorded and analysed according to Bardin. In the investigation of the reality the emerging categories were related to nourishment, how people face the disease and feelings as triumph and frustration with the disease.  The topics diet, hypoglycemia / hyperglyecemia and the physiopathology of diabetes melitus were elected as key points to be theorized. In this stage, these categories emerged: dependency of the health professional and autonomy / independence to choose their food; lack of knowledge and knowledge in common sense level. When we were raising solution hypothesis the group created educational posters that showed clearly two categories: specific preventive actions to promote health to the group and health promotion and early diagnosis pointed toward communityThe application to reality was done according to reports from carriers of diabetes about changes in their abilities and attitudes, besides autonomy and independence acquired by knowledge. The of the glycosylated hemoglobin results, the “t” test, shows a difference statistically significant with the decrease of plasma levels from dosed element.This study showed that a dialogical educational activity contributed to stimulate group’s reflective, critic and creative potential, as an important intervention strategy to the nurse who works in order to emancipate your clients.

Key words: Health education; Communitarian health nursing; Diabetes mellitus.


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