Power relations experienced by working women who breastfeed: a substantive theory
Women’s Health, Child Health, Breast Feeding, Women, Working, Grounded TheoryAbstract
Objective: to construct a substantive theory about the power relations experienced by breastfeeding workers, which may influence the decision and maintenance of breastfeeding in the workplace. Methods: an exploratory-descriptive qualitative study, in which Michel Foucault’s Power Relations and Corbin and Strauss’ Grounded Theory were used as referential frameworks. Two techniques were used to collect data from social actors linked to their companies in Santa Catarina - Brazil: focus group and semi-structured interview. Open, axial coding and selective integration were used in data analysis with the aid of Atlas.ti Software and a validation process of the substantive theory by seven evaluators. Results: sixteen workers and two health professionals participated in the survey. The substantive theory generated was “Successful breastfeeding upon return to work due to the existence of support mechanisms”. It integrates ten categories that represent the central phenomenon and its three components: conditions, actions-interactions, and consequences or results. Conclusion: workers experience unique micro-relations of power in the work context, which converge and influence the decision-making power regarding the continuation of breastfeeding. The workers’ desire to breastfeed, together with the exercise of acquired rights and the availability of a support network, make them persevere in the complex process of breastfeeding.
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